10 offbeat Link Building Strategies you might’ve never heard of

No matter how brilliant your website scores in terms of looks and features, if you aren’t able to follow the right link building strategy you stand a chance of losing a good count of high-paying leads. Gaining flawless brand recognition has become a mission for a wide population of online merchants. With the SEO world full of advises for these merchants, it has become feasible to grab a higher ranking within the search results pages. Today, I’ve got a few unconventional link building techniques to share with you. I hope you’ll find them useful as you develop your own web projects.

How to start

Before delving into the 10 uncommon link building strategies, let me give you an idea as to what link building actually refers to and what makes it a critical aspect of every website management venture.

Link Building How To


What is Link Building?

Link Building refers to the methodology that is adopted for building links that point to your site from other websites. The more the count of these links, greater will be the amount of traffic that you’ll get for your website. Talking about the significance of link building, it can well be said that without having ample number of links pointed towards your website, it won’t be possible for you to fetch the expected web traffic. Almost every SEO(Search Engine Optimization) plan is created keeping link building in mind. Link popularity is a term related to link building. It actually refers to the total number of links that are pointing to your site from a range of other websites. A solid link building and management strategy is required for boosting this link popularity. If you belong to the elite group of corporate professionals wherein you need to ensure a profile that ranks higher than the others, then link building is undoubtedly the best option for you. Google and other popular search engines value the number of sites that link to your website. Well, it becomes quite convenient for the search engines to locate and index your website when you’ve incredible number of links pouring in from different web portals available over the internet.

Key activities that can be performed via a good link building and management strategy

Hmmm….talking about an ideal link building and management strategy, I would like to say that your link building strategy is good only if it allows you to perform the following tasks in an amicable style:

Finally, let me walk you through the 10 unusual link building strategies you probably might’ve never ever thought of or even heard:

Link Building Strategy No.1- Build supplementary micro sites

Getting renowned site owners link back to your web pages is a tedious job and even impossible at times.Hence, it is recommended to build your own “micro sites” which are small WordPress powered satellite sites that drip out your website’s original content making way for funneling high-powered links pointing back towards your site.

Link Building Strategy No.2-Build a free tool or software program

Outranking competitors has always been on the minds of business professionals. With a handy tool or software program, it can become quite convenient for the website owners to manage their sites with plenty of good backlinks fetched from the very popular websites.

Link Building Strategy No.3-Purchase an existing blog

Unlike the hassles of creating a new website from scratch purchasing existing sites is a better means of building useful links. The internet contains detailed contact information of all those website owners who are willing to sell their blogs at extremely reasonable prices.

Link Building Strategy No.4-Develop a Google Chrome or Firefox plugin

Developing unmatched Chrome or Firefox plugins can be a great way of building interesting backlinks to your website.The one thing that needs to be kept in mind here is that the tool or plugin needs to be interesting enough and capable of prompting the website owners to share it with their set of audiences.

Link Building Strategy No.5- Reclaim Missed Link Opportunities

As the website administrator, you need to make arrangements for receiving Google alerts that notify you each time someone mentions your brand’s targeted keywords. In addition, you also need to keep a good track of all the websites from which you’re receiving traffic for your own site. Another crucial point that you need to keep in mind is that if your 404 logs reveal that people who should be linking to your site are no longer doing so, make it a point to contact the respective webmasters and ask them to link back to your website to render the well-deserved attribution.

Link Building Strategy No.6-Be a part of a reputed business networking group

Business networking groups come in a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from informal local entrepreneurs to the more structured networking programs. Joining any such business networking group will allow you to uncover potential backlink opportunities from the industry biggies whose clients may in return benefit from your products and services range.

Link Building Strategy No.7-Recognize “true users” on your website

If you want your website visitors to become judgmental about your brand, then it is recommended to consider a system that is capable of recognizing the “true users” on the site. The badge “true users” refers to the group of website visitors who provide the most insightful comments on your corporate blog. By recognizing such visitors, you’ll be able to grow your chances of gathering effective backlinks for your web pages.

Link Building Strategy No.8-Hire a renowned PR(Public Relations) expert

Well, if you’re inclined on courting publicity for increasing backlinks to your site, then it is beneficial to hire a well-renowned PR expert. Such a publicist will look into building both, backlinks for your site as well as an incredible amount of interest in your brand.

Link Building Strategy No.9- Build infographics

Content is believed to be the most crucial aspect of every website. If you’re able to manage your site’s content in a flawless manner, you can easily empower your site for a better overall performance. Infographics are the classic linkbait pieces of content that have greater chances of getting shared socially. With a group of talented graphic designers available in the web market, creating amazing infographics has become easy and effective.

Link Building Strategy No.10-Host an online fundraising drive or a charity event

One of the best means of spreading your website’s name all over the internet is organizing an online fundraising drive or hosting a charity event. Such methods will increase awareness for your site and serve as excellent opportunities for gathering backlinks from the most reputable websites available over the World Wide Web.

Wrapping Up!

Although a bit unconventional, the aforementioned 10 link building strategies will definitely aid you in your growing the count of backlinks for your site, making your brand reach customers residing in different parts of the globe.

Do you have any other unusual/unconventional link building strategy(s) in your mind? If yes, please consider sharing it with our readers using the comments box below.

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