It’s going to be a good couple of months for tablets. Retail sales, and gadget sales in particular, tend to spike during the holiday months, and there is no shortage of superb tablets to choose from. You’ll likely see the hottest Android tablets, such as T-Mobile’s version of the Samsung Galaxy Tab, complete with 4G coverage, frequently in headlines.
Of course, an Android app is not complete without a great deal of user customization. Here are three things I recommend doing the minute to get an Android tablet.
Sign up for Music Beta
If Google has done one thing to make people think twice about ditching Android for iPhone, it’s Music Beta. This is a seriously superb service that hooks users upon first use. The premise is simple: upload your entire music library to Google, for free, and then access it on your Android phone or tablet. How can you go wrong?
The interface works much as you might expect. You can stream music over a WiFi or cellular connection, which works well enough. If you won’t have a connection at some point, or if you just want a collection stored locally, you can make songs, playlists, and albums available for use offline. (It’s recommended that you do this over WiFi.) There’s no need to buy anything. You just upload and you’re done. How can you leave Android after having this put in front of you?
You do have to sign up and wait for an invite, but Google has become pretty quick with that process. Sign up for Music Beta here.
Install Wizz Bar
Samsung prides itself on its TouchWiz UX interface. While Android purists despise this kind of skinning, it does present a number of benefits. One of them is a nifty tray on the bottom of the screen that contains a number of quick buttons. It’s akin to — and Android fans will kill me for this — the bottom bar on the iPad. It’s better, though, because it’s hideable. In any case, the only issue with it is that you can’t control which apps it displays. That is, unless you’ve download Wizz Bar.
Wizz Bar actually benefits non-Samsung users the most, since they have no version of the app tray. With this app they not only get a tray, but a customizable one. Samsung users benefit plenty, too, since they can replace the existing static bar with one that features their favorite apps. This makes navigating your Android tablet a ton easier. it also means you can keep icons off the home screen, leaving it free for wallpaper viewing or, even better, a ton of useful widgets.
Get Wizz Bar for free.
Start using Augmented Reality
If you’re unfamiliar with Augmented Reality, you’re really missing out. It’s some wonderful software that takes advantage of your device’s camera to add context to, well, everything. You just point your camera at something, and a dedicated app scans it for any Augmented Reality data. It can be anything really: stores, restaurants (even menus!), magazines, albums, groceries, and more. You just point your camera, and Augmented Reality gives you the feedback.
While this has mostly been implemented on phones, there’s plenty of potential for Augmented Reality on tablets. If you bought a Samsung tablet, chances are you have Layar pre-installed. That will come in handy. If you have another brand of tablet, you can easily install it for free. With it you can just point your tablet in a direction and see what lies beyond. It’s absolutely wonderful for city wandering, as you can find point of interest in just a snap.
The beauty of Augmented Reality is that we haven’t begun to scratch the surface of its possibilities. But you can get a glimpse of the future, now.
Download Layar for free.
Google also has its own AR app, Google Googles, which you can download here.
3 Things to do after getting an Android Tablet,Joe Pawlikowski is the editor of, a site that uncovers the hidden gems of Android. He plans to do these three things, and more, when he gets the new Samsung Galaxy Tab.
Eric Murphy
Nov 09. 2011
Great to know about them.. when i will buy this will follow your instructions.
successful hifu treatment
Nov 10. 2011
Amazing. The Wizz Bar works like a desktop dock. However, what really amazes me is the Augmented Reality. It’s pretty cool to have this app. It can be use professionally or you can just impress your friends with it. I do hope that this app would be available in mobile phones in the future.
Gadgets NewsLine
Nov 10. 2011
Tips are very needed one, when some one buy it, they are blank what to do, it’s very useful.
Nov 10. 2011
I personally like the Wizz bar.
Nov 10. 2011
Now i know what to do if i got my own tablet..great review!
Nov 12. 2011
really good article.the wizz bar seems to be really interesting.
Nov 13. 2011
Great post dude ! These things must be done after buying an android device ! Actually , I will suggest every android user to install the Android market app so that they can be get updated with the latest apps and games !
Nov 13. 2011
Thanks for your kind suggestion …Priyangshu !!
Nov 13. 2011
Thanks for the post. I didn’t know about the Layer app, I’m going to test it. I’m using ADW EX launcher to replace Samsung’s launcher. It will make your tablet great.
Nov 13. 2011
Seeing you here after a long time … Thanks for your comment Plaban !!
fazal mayar
Nov 15. 2011
great things to know as more and more people are getting an android tablet
Android Application Development
Nov 16. 2011
Like the Music Beta…Wonderful.
Also download the Angry Birds in your tablet and start playing…you will forget the rest
Nov 21. 2011
The first thing that I would do with my android phone would be to upgrade it to the latest OS.
Nov 21. 2011
if an upgrade is available, you must surely do it
Nov 23. 2011
I love android because of its processing speed. you have mentioned some good points here to do after buying tablet.
Thanks for the post.
Nov 23. 2011
you’re welcome Andy …
aakash gupta
Nov 26. 2011
Thanks for sharing your views. it will be very useful for me as i have to buy a tablet next week
Kid Computers
Dec 09. 2011
Android has definitely positioned themselves to take on Apple in the tablet market. There are wonderful apps, and with the flood of devices available, people everywhere are going to be taking advantage of them!
Joomla Development
Dec 14. 2011
Thanks for sharing thois type of good content about android tablets… i got better idea about android tablet…. i haven’t use it before….
Dec 15. 2011
I am definitely a fan of the Android over Apple iPad as it has great features and is far cheaper. Also with Apple Suing Samsung about the Galaxy tablet, it just looks like Apple is getting worried.
Feb 19. 2012
Augmented reality is a really cool and interesting development, especially when used to build games. One has to wonder though if it really takes off will we all be constantly bumping into each other and walking into things because we are too engrossed in the augmented reality to notice hazards in actual reality!
Feb 26. 2012
A good start up guide for those who are going to buy an Android Tablet.Wiz Bar is also very amazing.
Mar 21. 2012
4rth thing to do is to install some great game apps from Android market.
May 11. 2012
I was very pleased to find this Information.I wanted to thanks for your time for this wonderful read!!
Jun 03. 2012
I didn’t have an android tablet. Would you buy one for me?? hahaha I’m Just kidding
Thank you for sharing this interesting article to us