5 Top Security Breaches of 2012

Security in our Digital World becomes more and more important as internet traffic is growing constantly. With this software and technology development is done rapidly. There are frequently news of Security Breaches every month. Yahoo, manic Monday and android data loses. The security sector of big company’s faces big security breach this year that leads to heavy data loses of users.

Top 5 of 2012's Security Breaches


1. Yahoo Hacked (More than 450k passwords leaked)

One of the major security breach of this year so far. In middle of this year Yahoo announced that they were hacked by cyber criminal’s group named D33D and they leaked more than 450k usernames and passwords of Yahoo accounts to the web. But Yahoo claims only 5% of the breached passwords are valid and the remaining are fake.
The interesting fact is most of the hacked passwords are like “123456,” “password,” and “welcome,” which is consider to be the worst passwords all the time.

2. LinkedIn Security Breach (6.46 Millions passwords Leaked)

According to the source, a user from the Russian forum had claimed to have downloaded more than 6 million LinkedIn users’ passwords. Some users had downloaded the file from the cache version of the forum and found their passwords are leaked on web.
The main reason said for this breach is the passwords are encrypted using SHA-1 algorithm which is considered to be weak algorithm. This news was later confirmed by LinkedIn HQ and they sent reset password link to all those users whose account was compromised.

3. Manic Monday (DNS Changer virus)

It was advertised as big as Y2k problem, the main issues is malware which is capable of destroying the DNS which can affect about 277k computers around the globe. Many tools were introduced to disable the virus in PC and finally FBI decided to disable the server that spreads the malwares and installed two clean DNS server and put an end to this issue.

4. Cross Platform Attack

Recently F-secure had discovered malware threats found in Colombian transport site which is due to the signed java applet or program that entice the users to click on the application and steals their personal information. This type of malwares uses cross-platform ability that detects the OS used by user and delivers the threat based on the analysis of the computer.

5. Third Party Malware in Google Play

A recent report from mobile security firm detects there is a spread of malwares on 100k Android mobiles via Chinese marketplace. The reason behind is, there is no proper approval process in Android so there is a chance of more malware threats in using Android devices than iPhone and windows.

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Roy Stephen is a writer, blogger and social media enthusiasts who had worked previously for various firms to leverage their rankings. He currently writes for the site new Hostgator coupon code.com, a site where you can get coupon code and also Hostgator tutorials to guide you in hosting.

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