Cleaning a home has never been a task that anyone has enjoyed. Fortunately this task has become easier in recent years with the invention of cleaning robots. While Roomba is by far the most popular of its kind, there are a wide variety of robots that are programmed to perform a variety of different household tasks, some of which you may have never thought possible.

Scooba can be best described as Roomba’s cousin. Scooba is an efficient floor-washing robot. He will effectively wash hard wood, vinyl, linoleum, marble, stone and tile floors. While washing, Scooba keeps the clean water separate from the dirty water while cleaning up to ninety-eight percent of the bacteria, unlike your household mop. The Roomba and Scooba combination is an excellent solution to any hard floor cleaning problem.
Rain gutters are always a pain to clean out and at times a dangerous task to complete. If you’re looking for a hassle-free way to clean your gutters during the rainy season, Looj is your answer. The Looj spins around at 500 RPMS to break up any clogged dirt and leaves in your gutter, then lifts the debris and throws it away as it moves along.
The Looj also comes with two operating modes: Manual and Automatic. Manual mode allows you to control your gutter cleaning robot from the ground. Set the robot to automatic mode and let him do all the dirty work for you.
Mint 4200
If you would rather spend your money on an all-in-one robot vacuum, the Mint 4200 is the perfect choice for you. Mint will first sweep your floor and then mop it or will dry mop without sweeping at all. This intuitive cleaning robot can sweep and mop up to 800 square feet of flooring.
Cleaning the pool is never a fun job and may take hours to complete. The Verro is a hands-off pool cleaning robot. All you have to do is drop it in your pool and let it do all the hard work for you. The Verro comes with bags for both large and small debris and can climb and clean the walls of your pool at the same time. The Verro requires no installation whatsoever.
Neato XV-21
A comparable alternative to the iRobot line of products, the Neato-XV-21 is a dream come true for pet owners and those who suffer from allergies. The Neato robotic cleaning vacuum is designed to pick up all kinds of dirt and debris; including pet hair, dust and dirt. Neato is also designed to work on all types of floors.
V-Bot Robotic Vacuum
The V-Bot Robotic Vacuum performs much like the iRobot line but is offered as an affordable alternative in robot vacuum technology. The V-Bot cleans both hard floors and carpets and can easily detect and avoid stairs. The robot’s intuitive technology allows for it to move about freely while detecting and collecting debris without getting stuck in a corner.
Cleaning robots are a great alternative to your generic household vacuum cleaner. The cleaning robot will clean ever floor in your house and even take care of some pesky outdoor chores that you despise to do. Everyone loves to play with robots so much that the robots might as well be doing something productive at the same time.
This article was written on behalf of their Dallas office cleaning service. Check out their site for more information on their services for your cleaning needs.
A Guide on Modern Cleaning Gadgets,
Dec 05. 2012
Wow so nice & useful info.
Dec 05. 2012
Thanks again Ashok
Sep 06. 2013
I am a working person who use to do a job and live in a flat alone. So i have to do all my work alone. According to my status, Mint 4200 is best choice for my usage. It will help me out to do my tasks done in time. Thank you for introducing modern gadgets.
Dec 27. 2013
Great article – we’ve never heard of the LOOJ for cleaning gutters, but it sounds like the perfect machine to help keep them clean and debris free – important here in Florida where rain and mildew are year-round concerns.
Dec 28. 2013
Thanks guys! New generations of cleaning gadgets are announced soon for 2014
Jan 03. 2014
Thank you for sharing
Apr 11. 2014
That’s true these gadgets have made my life so comfortable and clean, yeah literally clean
I have Neato XV-21 and i am in love with it, whenever i come to my home after work it welcomes me in a nice clean home. What else do i need from this awesome gadget.
Jun 25. 2014
Marble floors are different than normal floors and it gives good look to our house. Home cleaning is easy by using new cleaning gadgets. By using these advanced gadgets we can clean any type of floor easily. I’d like to say thanks for your informative post and keep sharing such a nice and useful posts…….
Sep 09. 2015
Mint 4200 is the best robotic vacuum now
Feb 02. 2016
good post, it is useful to me and others, please just keep it on….
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