In our modern world, there’s no shortage of fresh technology that can revolutionise every aspect of your day. Whether it’s the way you get to work or how you put your lunch together, it often seems like there’s a new gadget for just about everything in life; finding the ones that are really worth spending your pennies on can sometimes feel like a mammoth task, so this is a quick rundown of some personal favourites of mine.

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1. Chipolo Bluetooth Key Finder
If you’re anything like me then you might find yourself spending countless hours searching for mislaid items, but Chipolo has created the perfect solution to our struggles. Boasting a waterproof design and loud alarm, it will help you find your lost possessions in even the most adverse conditions, and it’ll even send reminders to your phone when you get out of a certain range of the tag.
2. iTouchless Automatic Sensor Trash Can
Bringing the height of hygiene innovation to your home, this smart skip has an inbuilt motion sensor hooked up to its lid, so that with the mere wave of a hand you can pop the top and chuck your waste, no contact required!
3. Bluetooth Laser Projection Keyboard
Looking like it’s fallen straight out of a Bond movie, this novel device is perfect for when you’re on the go. By turning any flat surface into a fully functioning keyboard, it offers you all the convenience of a regular keyboard without any of the awkward bulk to carry.
4. Compartment Pan
A little simpler in concept than the previous entries but every bit as revolutionary for your day-to-day needs! The compartments on this allow you to cook several items in the same pan at once without any unwanted mixing or merging, making cooking for yourself a breeze and offering great versatility if you’re planning a spread for a few friends too.
5. Broom Groomer
Another simple but genius addition to your home, the Broom Groomer dustpan is the fix for a problem that has existed as long as brushes themselves. Featuring a row of rubber teeth along the back edge of the pan, as well as a step-on handle for holding it in place with your foot, the Broom Groomer allows you to comb out all the dust and fibres that stick to the brush without ever having to get your hands dirty.
6. Herb Scissors
One for the kitchen, these scissors feature 5 sets of blades and will make light work of any herb you set them to, but you can even give them a try on firmer items like spring onions or chillies.
7. Anker External Battery
Anker are veterans of the tech game, with over a decade’s experience making quality electronics, and their external battery is no exception to their high standards. At a mighty 30,000 mAh capacity and with three separate power outlets, this heavy duty battery pack will keep a modern smartphone charged for well over a week.
8. Fujifilm Instax Portable Smartphone Printer
If you often find yourself wishing you could make your fridge as glamorous as your Instagram feed then this is the perfect gadget for you. Thanks to its Bluetooth connectivity, you don’t ever need to worry about WiFi or wires. Simply link it up to your phone and you’ll be sticking up your phone snaps round the home in no time!
9. Etekcity Smart Food Nutrition Scale
Perfect for professional chefs and home cooking enthusiasts alike, this item is not just a sleek-looking scale made of food-grade steel. It actually has the capability to connect to an app on your phone and provide detailed nutritional information on a wide range of food types so that you can quickly check things like calories, protein and fat content, sodium content, and much more.
10. Skyroam Solis WiFi Hotspot
If you’re often on the road (or riding the airways), this handy gadget could save you a whole lot of hassle. Offering support across more than 130 countries, with the Skyroam hotspot in your backpack you can be sure you’ll never miss a crucial email or find yourself waiting on an endlessly buffering video.
With the vast range of technology around us, there’s never been a better time to update your lifestyle, so hopefully this guide provides you with some refreshing ideas for ways you can upgrade your living and start treating yourself to some new conveniences you might not have even realised you were missing!
Michael Dehoyos is a business writer who understands the value of time as a resource and the importance of managing it well. He is an editor at Custom Coursework and Write My Dissertation. You can find his writing on numerous sites and publications, such as Essay Help.
Make Your Daily Life Easier With These 10 Amazing Gadgets,