One of the biggest update Android has launched so far is the Android 5.0 which has features such as a new visual style, better performance and much more. It extends across all screen sizes which includes mobile phones, TV’s, tablets and cars allowing one to access information whenever they may need it. Here are some of the highlights of this operating system.

The User Experience
Android 5.0 makes use of material design which is a new method for designing applications today. It comes with a number of tools which allow users to incorporate material design in the apps. The system is flexible due to which individuals can bring out their uniqueness and brand making use of various colors and a variety of responsive UI patterns. The OS also comes with better notifications; heads up notifications allow one to display content and actions in a floating window which is managed by the system irrespective of the app functioning in the foreground. Apps can also be organized according to the task and can be presented as separate documents in the Overview screen.
The Android 5.0 comes integrated with Android Runtime which offers AOT (ahead of time) compilation and a more efficient garbage collection method along with better features. Overall, it helps in improving the performance. Additional address space and better performance is also possible with the support of the 64-bit ABI’s. Apps featuring the Java language can be run on this system without any modifications needed. Battery efficient apps can be built with the new tools and API’s available. Furthermore, the OpenGL ES 3.1 allows one to get stencil textures, compute shaders and texture gather for various games. The WebView has also been upgraded and now supports WebRTC, WebAudio and WebGL along with supporting all Web Components specifications. It will also be constantly updated through Google Play.
To make it possible for employees to use one device for work and for personal use, framework enhancements have been introduced which offer a unified view of the apps and the notifications across both the work and personal apps. Profile owner API’s in the work context for example lets the administrator create and manage their work files and is defined as being part of the newly managed provisioning process.
The new camera API gives you the ability for advanced image capturing and processing. Devices which are supported, the app can capture any uncompressed YUV capture at a resolution of 8 megapixel resolution at 30 FPS. Raw sensor data can also be captured and control parameters such as exposure time, ISO Sensitivity and frame duration can also be captured. Audio improvements have also been made with the sound architecture being enhanced having a lower input latency in the OpenSL and a USB digital audio mode support.
Android devices supporting this operating system can function in BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) peripheral mode. Apps can make use of this to broadcast to other devices of their presence. Apps can also request other networks based on capabilities such as un-metered or metered. This comes in use when a specific network needs to be used for example a cellular network. Apps can also make use of the request platform to re-evaluate any network for gaining an internet connection. This too is useful when apps gauge there to be a high latency on any network and it can allow the platform to switch to a much better network sooner, if there is availability.
Thus with such features which have been highlighted by the developers, there seems to be a much better experience associated with the Android 5.0 system, one definitely worth checking out.
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What’s new about the Android 5.0,
Nov 25. 2014
I really love the new UI on android 5.0. Cool and simple
Nov 25. 2014
Yeah you are saying true, UI is so interactive and it feels like we are using a customize OS.