We are going to talk about a whole new App for Android today, one we haven’t mentioned before: the OLX Mobile App. This company for classified ads offers you the opportunity to find anything you can imagine and doing so online, cheaper and faster. It has really become popular in many countries all over the world and it is widely used from mobile phones, which is what we are interested in today.

With the relatively new possibility of buying and selling things online, it is no surprise that many companies have decided to introduce this new feature as part of their services. OLX in this case has come up with a quite useful App that will truly make your life easier when trying to make business online.
It works just like every other App, and therefore the first thing you have to do is download OLX for Android. Once you have installed it and you are in, you can take a look and see everything people around your area have to offer, or you can choose to sell something yourself. In order to do so, you would simply have to take a picture of the product you want to advertise, mention some of its main features, estimate a price, provide your contact information and submit it. The App will instantly post your offer.
The App includes several tools that really come in handy and make it worth giving it a try instead of simply using a desktop computer, like for instance the possibility of using the location of your phone in order to find potential offers near you. Of course there is always the possibility of updating your location coordinates depending on where you are.
You can also use not only Facebook and Twitter, but also Whatsapp to share your ads with anyone you would like, as social networks have become essential in today’s business world.
Apart from Android it is also available for Apple. It is definitely worth a try if you are one of those people who are into buying things online or if you have something you want to get rid of.
Android App to buy and sell online,