Below are six apps that you can use to back up your sms text messages. They each have slightly different features and some of the ones below will back up other types of information too. There is a nice mix, with only one of the apps requiring a rooted phone. All of the apps are popular and all are approved by the Google Play website.

1 – Super Backup
The marketing department that came up with the name could have tried a little harder, but it is simple and easy to use. You can send file to your Gmail account to use later and there is a paid version that you can use if you do not want to have to put up with adverts on your app. You can have the app save your text messages, bookmarks and call logs, and you can have it done at set intervals that work from daily and up to monthly. They have made it easy to use because they feel that backing up is not something you should have to think too much about, which is why they offer the automation functions.
2 – G Cloud Backup
This is a free app that will save your data to the cloud. It will save your messages, but will also save your contacts, appointments, calendar, music, apps and various other snippets of information too, plus you can restore it to other mobile devices. Your data is stored with an encryption and you can store up to 1GB, which should be enough for most things unless you do start backing up your apps and music, which may come to more than 1GB. You can schedule backups too and if your battery is running low then you can have it hold off on backing up until you have more power at a later date. You can check your data online and they do give you the chance to get more data storage too.
3 – SMS backup and restore
This app will back up your sms messages in an XML format. You can choose what times your app backs up your sms messages and you can restore sms messages and conversations easily. You can convert the XML to other formats and you can select to have all your conversations backed up, or just certain ones. The app is easy to use, but the current version is not so great at backing up MMS messages, but they are working on it. Obviously, it also allows you to restore your messages too.
4 – My Backup Pro
This app is going to cost you just under five dollars and is good at backing up a lot of the information on your phone, which includes your sms text messages. You can view the data you have saved and you can access it via a pin number and a password that you set up. There is a certain amount of data storage available, but you can buy more if you need it. It is an app for backing up with the cloud as oppose to on your SD card, which is not a bad thing if you have Wi-Fi. It is not really suggested if you have Pay-as-you-go Internet.
5 – SMS Backup+
This is an app that unsurprisingly allows you to back up your text messages. The best thing about it is that you can back up your sms text messages automatically and it will also record MMS messages and call logs. The only downside is that some people have had problems backing up onto an SD card with some mobile devices. It does have a detailed set of FAQ entries the deals with file permissions so you need not worry about that side of the equation.
6 – Titanium Media Synchronize
This is an app to use if you have rooted your Android. If you have then you are given a lot of options that you would not normally get with other backup apps. You can set which folders are supposed to be backed up, and it is easy to save your sms messages. You can make it only backup a portion that you determine which makes it good for if you do have mobile Internet and you are paying for the Internet you use. You can also decide what times your backups take place, including such as at times when you turn your phone back on again. It will also allow you to determine how much processing power your app takes up.
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The guest post is written by Sonia Jackson from She helps you in writing essays and research papers on different topics. Feel free to approach.
6 Android Apps for Smartphones For Backing Up Text Messages,
Apr 06. 2014
My name is khalid,actually i format my smartphone and i lost all my Conversations messages,so how i can restore or backup for my SMS?THANK YOU
Apr 08. 2014
hey khalid, you might use one of your favorite backup tools regularily to prevent any data loses in advance next time. Thanks for blogging
Apr 06. 2014
Texting has become part and parcel of daily life. G-cloud back up is a very useful app that can store messages and can be retreived at any point of time.It is safe and secure.
Apr 08. 2014
So true! Thanks for the tip
Apr 06. 2014
hi All
Already i am using SMS Backup+. it’s very useful and unique application to save your messages and can be taken back at any point of time. Hope this app will help u as well
Apr 08. 2014
Thanks Harish!
Apr 09. 2014
nice post.thanks for sharing
Apr 09. 2014
This apps will be helpful.Thanks a lot man .
Apr 14. 2014
Nice post
i strongly recommend SMS backup and restore, really helpful and easy to manage.
thanks for your sharing.
Apr 15. 2014
nice post thanks for sharing.keep it up
Apr 18. 2014
I’ve used “My Backup Pro” and its very useful..
May 26. 2014
nice post thanks for sharing keep it up