Create your own magazines on your Android smartphone Flipboard

With the Android app Flipboard can create interesting articles from their own magazines. We’ll show you how this works.

Create your own magazine in Flipboard for Android

Create Flipboard magazine in a set put together from numerous individual articles an extensive magazine. You can then share the posts with your friends. Do you want to design a collection of recipes, for example, grasp the matching feeds simply connected. The option for this is hiding something: Open in Flipboard any item – either through your news stream, or on the red bookmark and the various headings under “More Discover”. Have you found an item you want to store in your magazine, tap the bottom right of the plus symbol. Whisk in new window once to the right on the note. Enter the new magazine now has a name. Additionally, you can select a category from the drop-down menu from your smartphone. Optional add your magazine yet added a description.If you do not want to make public your magazine, remove the check from the check box at the bottom of the pop-up window.

Tap the top right conclusion on “Create”

In the next window, you can share your magazine on various social channels or add more items.

Add more items to own magazines

Add Flipboard article Add your own magazines, see “My Flipboard” on your subscription Flipboard article. You can always add more articles: Search for the desired item and tap again on the plus symbol at the bottom right of the display.

Select in the list the desired magazine

Then confirm with a touch on “Add” at the top left. Alternatively, you create from this window directly a new magazine by tapping on the blank button next to your existing magazines. Albert Palacci occasionally writes as a technology journalist, he is also writing regularly for online magazines and websites and he is regular contributor to various blogs. More about him you can find on this Twitter and Google+ profiles.

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