You cannot afford to ignore the potential of the mobile space as new smartphones and tablets continue to be introduced every year. Mobile browsers have been around for some years but have gained large importance in the current times. For the success of your business, it is important that you harness the potential of mobile browsing. You cannot ignore the mobile experience which is associated with your brand. As the world goes mobile, several individuals are accessing the internet from their smartphones and tablets. With a strong mobile strategy, you can stay ahead of your competitors. A well designed website in the mobile version will help your business to gain a competitive edge.

Mobile web design tips
Before developing the mobile compatible website brainstorm on web designs which will fetch users and generate leads. Visitors who land on your website should get access to what they need with minimum swipes and taps. Avoid incorporating elements which are not very necessary. Your company’s mobile website should be user-friendly and easy to navigate. Simplicity is an important requirement for mobile friendly websites. Keeping file size and download times los is a wise idea. Visitors will lose their interest if you include too many details on one page. To optimize the website you can adopt responsive web design.
Attain higher success rate
You can make use of CSS3 and HTML to create successful mobile websites. When developing a mobile site emphasize on function over form. A reliable and strong user interface will gain the trust of the users and help you to establish a brand identity. Strong performance of your mobile website will help you to stand out from your competitors. Internet users will have no tolerance for slow websites which have high load times. Develop mobile websites which are easy to understand and can communicate easily. Success rate of these websites will be higher in comparison to the rest in the mobile space.
Ensure good performance
The design elements which you incorporate in a mobile website should be balanced with the overall performance. In comparison to conventional computers, mobile devices are underpowered. The design elements which you include should be executed well on the mobile devices. The user interface which you develop should reflect the brand identity. You can enhance the recognition of your business and gain greater exposure by incorporating brand awareness in the design process. Include features and functions which are associated with your brand. The mobile website which you develop should address the need of the target audience.
Minimize technical glitches
Keep specific user profiles in mind when you develop mobile compatible websites. If you have plenty of information which you want to include in the mobile website make sure that you organize the information in a comprehensible manner. You can eliminate technical glitches with a single column structure and the right layout. Typing can be difficult in smartphones and tablets. So keep the text input minimum. Avoid using too many fields in forms. The more interactive your mobile site is, greater are the chances of conversion.
A site’s mobile version
Defining your brand is very important,, users should be able to recognize your brand with one glance on the web page. Place the logos carefully and choose an appealing style. Before your mobile website goes live check it on various devices such as smartphones and tablets. Building a well-designed website will be worth the time and money you invest. Keep the design simple and clean and choose the content elements carefully. In mobile web design ensure that there is adequate space between links and make use of buttons to communicate effectively.
Author Bio:
Paul Daniel is a content writer who works with an IT firm. He feels that every web designers should visit our website to gather know-how on mobile first strategy.
Adopt Mobile-First Tactics And Harness Potential Of Mobile Web Design World,
Catherine Marshall
Sep 03. 2014
Mobile versions are definitely the way to go. Most users nowadays use their phone to explore sites, so having a good way for them to see your site will bring more customers. Something I would add for mobile sites is to prioritize. Thanks for sharing!