Apple’s iPhone 5 has become a phenomenon with the sales volume growing every passing day. According to the recent report, market share of iPhone 5 is now 48.1%, which is higher than that of Android’s 46.7%. It took just 12 weeks to reach at such market share level, Kantar Worldwide reveals. What are the reasons behind such growth rate? Here are described few ones, as given in the report of Kantar Worldwide.

The Launch Time
Apple launched iPhone 5 in September and also faced severe issues of supply chain constraints. Launch time has affected the 2nd and 3rd quarter results of market share. Despite the supply issues, Apple has occupied the place of top selling brand of Smartphone in U.S., according to the stats of past 12 weeks.
Samsung Galaxy S3 is the rival of iPhone 5. As galaxy is introduced in May, so the market share of Google was benefitted from that Summer launch. Market share is mainly influenced by various factors; one is the launch time and the other is different carriers. Same carriers launching different Smartphones also affect the market share of the manufacturers. Like, iPhone is the 5th Smartphone launch by Verizon and 4th launch by AT&T; so, if a customer visits the retail stores of the careers, more are the chances they will buy the phone that has more inventory stock. Loyal iPhone customers have to wait for longer to get one for them and they did (market share shows that clearly).
Everyone is waiting for the 4th quarter 2012 results that would be quite different from those of previous quarters; the reason is launch of many new products at the end of August. It would reveal the trend of the consumers buying the latest products, launched by the manufacturers. Apple seems to rule the results with its non-stop growing sales.
Apple Is Enjoying Brand Loyalty
What’s brand loyalty for Apple? In simple words, Apple fans don’t compromise over their choice of buying any new product by the company and numbers of new customers are being attracted towards this brand. According to the stats, collected by Kantar, Apple has 92% retention rate, as iPhone owners don’t want to think about switching to some other device. Recent sales of iPhone show that 62% buyers previously had an iPhone and 38% attracted for the very first time, amazing stats for Apple.
Android is also in the race of getting conversions, leaving behind Nokia and Research in Motion. Research in Motion is continuously losing the market share. Kantar data reveals that Android and Apple are occupying roughly 80% of the market sales.
As far as loyalty of Android is concerned, it’s not that much strong because Kantar report says just 47% Android users prefer to replace their device with another Android.
Apple Is Building Institutional Loyalty
One major part of the growth that Apple has been experiencing is the strategy to introduce institution-friendly devices. Kantar report states that 87M employees are using Android and 37M are iPhone users. But, employers supplying iPhone to their employees are 33M and those providing their employees with Android are 15M.
Why corporate IT departments are preferring iPhone over Android? Reasons are security, productivity, and the customizability of the apps. IDC forecasts that until 2016, iPhone would be the top Smartphone purchased by the corporations with 69M shipments.
Dominic Sunnebo, global consumer insight director of Kantar, predicts after looking at the current stats that iPhone popularity will go for more rise. If the history is recalled, Apple had dominated the market for three periods when iPhone 4s was released while beating Android. It has been predicted that, this time, Apple will cross the 49.3% high rate, which was attained previously with iPhone 4s. Get ready unlock iPhone service providers!
Would Apple be capable of handling the continuous growth of iPhone 5, giving tough time to its rivals? Time will reveal. Stay connected for the latest happenings!
This post is written by Maria Shehar Bano. She is writing for unlockiPhonezone. The company provides authentic unlock iPhone software.
Reasons Behind Growing iPhone 5 Market Share – Apple Is Beating Google’s Android,
Dec 08. 2012
I read somewhere that apple’s empire priced more than a USA government’s wealth
But Apple don’t want to expand & most of the countries in the world have android users in majority.
Dec 11. 2012
Apple is doing well with its strategy. Users will simply buy it too
Julia Spencer
Dec 11. 2012
I am using the Samsung Galaxy now, but totally understand the privileges of Apple iPhone 5 and probably will get it in some time. Thanks for the article
Dec 16. 2012
Ru sure about these numbers last I checked Apple only had 18% of the smartphone market and like 5% of the world phone market and was still the only the 5th largest handset maker.
If you are talking about last qtrs sales numbers they don’t really count all the iFan’s buy their new phones when apple puts them out and then it declines the rest of the year.
Oct 30. 2013
Numbers are furthermore increasing. Thanks Kevin