When you are a business owner, looking for new apps for your phone is probably the last thing on your to do list. But the power of apps can drastically reduce the amount of stress in your life. And all business owners can do with a little less stress, am I right? Today’s topic we are going to explore is for the people out there who were courageous enough to open up their own spa.

Or maybe you are just someone in a management role at a spa, and are looking for a better way to manage your clients. I introduce to you your new best friend: a great spa booking app. If you have the patience to set up an app for your spa, you can relax just a little bit easier each day in knowing that your clients can book their own appointments online. No more having to answer the phones and plug in appointments into a database.
The app itself will become the #1 app you use on your phone. You will launch it each morning to see who is booked in, which staff are available, and which clients are coming into the spa that day. You will see who has paid a deposit on their services, or who will have to pay the full price when they get their massage or facial or manicure treatment.
Of course while you are going about your daily routine at the spa, your handy phone will always be in your pocket just in case you need to check in on your spa booking app. You can focus more on your clients and customers while they are with you in the spa, and if you need to take a peek at the schedule, you won’t have to run all the way to the front desk, it will just be on your phone. Not to mention the entire team can have the app on their phone too! You can install it on your staff’s phones if you would like to give them access to view or edit the client bookings.
Appointment Booking App,