If you are also managing your personal finances on a daily basis, you most probably know that this involves personal time beside of your regular tasks and most people will find this quite difficult to handle. In this manner, your Android mobile phone can help you toward by providing several financial apps that manage these daily tasks for you. These kind of apps help you in managing your finances in an easy way.

Please find the best financial Apps for Android in 2012 here in the following:
This App will easily handle all your personal finances including your bank accounts, credit cards, bills, payments and investments all together with the help of PageOnce application for Android. See all you expenses on one page with a clear focus on your money for the best overview of your financial transactions. It is the perfect application to manage your finance with your Android smartphone on the fly.
The advanced feature of this great application is its integrated Google maps service and the ability to view the locations and positions of your financial transactions on a map using geo tracking. Beside from this unique feature, Mint will handle your payment, bill and investment data directly from your Android phone.
Money Manager
Like the name suggests, the Money Manager app for Android is a complete finance manager for your personal and business transactions including data safe features like backup/restore of your transactions as well as a currency calculator and currency converter for different international currencies.
Bloomberg is internationally known for its financial news and services providing daily finance information on TV and several newspapers. Bloomberg also provides this Android app which will update you with recent and most important daily market news on finance and stock exchanges. This app is even used by global banks and managers all over the world and is known for its reliability.
E*Trade Mobile Pro:
By using this app, the user will have acces to different markets all over the world to receive frequent updates for purchasing and selling goods of all kind online from your Android smartphone.
Using the official international conversion rates of over 160 global currencies, this app is the most used currency converter application available in the year 2012. It converts international currencies easily between one currency to another in seconds using the the actual knownconversion rate at a time.
Mortgage Calculator
This free application manages and updates mortgage rates for homeowners and calculations for refinancing and savings on home loan requirements on the fly. If you are a homeowner financing your property using loans, this Mortgage Calculator is the right app for you to manage and organise your loan requirements.
This application called Stocks uses your data to synchronize with Google Finance for best performance and information updates. Global markets all over the world are supported and can be accessed using Stocks. It is one of the essential apps for every financial management today and makes it very easy to get an overview of changes in different global markets at a time directly from your cellphone.
Expense Manager
Controlling all your expenses can be difficult especially if many bank and credit cards are involved. Some expenses are instant and some are delayed but already reserved for transaction. The Expense Manager app handles all sources of your income transactions as well as tracking the expenditures on very defined time periods (daily/weekly/monthly or even annual period). Don’t loose the focus of your financial expenses and use your Android phone to manage your finance transactions mobile.
With a combination of these various Android Apps you are in a good position to manage all your finances and transactions easily. Try each of the apps and you will find the best financial Android App for you and your money.
Best Financial Android Apps for 2012,
Amira Preli
Dec 08. 2012
good for everybody doing finances mobile on android. Thank you very much