Changing character of Black Friday: In-Store VS Online Shopping

Though the most popular US shopping festival is not going to fade away from the scenes anytime soon, a change in people’s preferences can clearly be seen. Black Friday is clearly shafting its identity. With more and more shoppers preferring online purchases, the number of in-house shoppers is dwindling steadily. Besides, the rising prices of gas, increased violence and other similar factors are also affecting the interest of the people in in-store shopping. Some startling and surprising facts were discovered in some recently conducted surveys while at the same time the change in tradition can also be seen in the altered format of celebration. Here are a few details:

Altered Relations

In a survey conducted last year 35% of the participants revealed that the actually hate the festival while the percentage of Black Shopping admirers could not reach even 15% (14.70% to be precise). Around half f the participants said that they don’t have any love or hate relationship with the occasion. In other words they treated h occasion just e a normal routine.

Major Put-offs

Major reasons for people hating Black Shopping are crowded shops and long lines. Besides, the selling frenzy often creates shortage of physical stocks and it often results in fighting. Sometimes it causes violence and that is another reason why people have started hating Black shopping

Big leap for online shops

The loss of In-store shipping popularity is a gain for online shopping. In fact the term has been coined since 2005 to denote online shopping- Cyber Monday. With a many as 130 million American shoppers buying during bye Monday as compared to just 14 million shoppers who opted for In-store purchases, a clear hike in online purchasing can be seen. However, one should also keep in mind that online physical stores the online sores do not have to face limitation in terms of space or people management that can be a major reason of such a high number o online shoppers. During one decade the total online sales as skyrocketed. In 2006 the total sales volume on cyber Monday was $610 million while last year the total sales was recorded at $3.02 billion!

Why do people prefer Cyber Monday

Convenience and comparison remains the major reasons for people preferring cyber Monday over Black Friday. The ever hiking prices of gas and fuels also discourage the people to go different shops for celebrating this shopping festival. Doorstep delivery, COD and return facilities are other advantages of online shopping that have encourage the people to go for cyber Monday.5 Major players or of Cyber Monday are Target, Wal-Mart Kohl eBay and of course Amazon.

black friday business facts and statistics - Changing character of Black Friday: In-Store VS Online Shopping

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