Breakthrough Advances to Nurture Technological Innovations in Qatar

The numerous organizations of Qatar have come up with promising and fast emerging cutting-edge innovations in a variety of sectors. They are more than willing to change the tech ecosystem along with addressing the global and local barriers.

Consequently, Qatar has flourished in terms of science & technology from all its major contenders in the Middle East.

It can be proven by the fact that Qatar secured 34th position out of 180 countries in the fifth edition of the KPMG’s Growth Promise Indicators 2018 during the world economic forum in Davos, Switzerland. This index considers factors like tech-readiness, education, finance, and others.

To support such facts, here is a list of the technological innovations in Qatar that will make the claims even & technology from all its major contenders in the Middle East

Smart Agriculture

With the hope of setting up 1400 farms in the coming five years, the government of Qatar has been planning the expansion of the agriculture industry for long. Along with farming, poultry and dairy industries are also flourishing at a faster pace.

That is why the agricultural revolution of Qatar is in the limelight as it is employing smart farming solutions to change the way farmers work in this sector.

For instance, smart farming solutions help the farmers to gather information regarding the soil, temperature, light, seeds, plants, and many more. Such information is studied with the help of automated irrigation systems. Farmers use this information to come up with smart and educated decisions regarding their practice.

Not only this, but the farmers can also take a step forward towards utilizing the technology to sell their products online to the unreachable markets. For that, they must get a website which will help them to stay in contact with the agricultural world.

Keeping this in mind, ZealousWeb Qatar created an e-commerce website dedicated to organic food where the people of Doha can order fresh organic food products online at an affordable cost. The website gives a variety of features to the consumers to complete their purchase. Also, the blogs on the website help the traffic to stay updated with the latest happenings in this industry.

Intelligent Transportation

Qatar is inspired by the concept of smart cities and digital societies and is trying to transform the transport system of its cities. Such systems will provide enough information to the citizens for a comfortable commute.

For a smarter public transport service, the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Qatar surprised the citizens with the introduction of the electric buses which is going to hit the roads sooner.

This electric bus uses the least amount of energy and limited carbon emission which is a smart way to tackle the pollution in the city and on the whole, a step towards restricting global warming. In addition to all these benefits, the electric bus encourages the use of eco-friendly material to protect the environment.

Smart learning with virtual and augmented reality

With two decades of advancements in technology, the schools have definitely experienced differences in the teaching methods. Qatar has taken huge steps in making sure that the children do not lag behind in this ever-developing digital societies.

With the introduction of the concept of virtual and augmented reality, the schools in Qatar are ready to make education digital and less stressful. This type of method will involve search engines and headsets to develop an educational and digital culture that will make learning fun and entertaining.

To take a step forward, ZealousWeb Qatar, recently developed an e-learning website where the students can enroll themselves for the listed courses. They can take the help of the online classrooms and sessions of the tutors sitting in different parts of the world for the best learning experience.

Innovative healthcare

When it comes to health care, Qatar’s potential to be the advanced health center cannot be doubted.

Exceptional academic programs and related events that are organized in the cities of Qatar are the best examples. These events help the academicians as well as the students to sharpen their skills and knowledge and deploy the latest research work to their best potential.

In the case of practical applications of advanced healthcare, the internet of things technology will make the interaction between the patients and doctors easier. In the coming years, this technology will provide remote monitoring tools to save the patient’s time, which is wasted while waiting in the queue for medical consultation.

The number of other industries like food, telecommunication, etc., are also taking the benefits of the changing digital scenario. Therefore, it is also important for the private sectors, industries, and firms to take risks and leverage the advancements made in the technology field to reap better profits.

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