The Role of Cloud Computing in Mobile App Development
The technology of mobile cloud computing combines cloud computing and mobile computing on a wireless network. Cloud computing is used to send apps to mobile devices through mobile cloud computing.
These mobile apps can be operated remotely with speed, flexibility, ... Continue Reading →

Cloud Outages – What They Mean To Your Business
The greater your reliance on cloud services, the more likely you are to experience downtime and revenue losses as a result of a cloud outage. Over 60% of enterprises that use the public cloud reported losses due to these accidents in 2022, indicating that outages ... Continue Reading →

Which Are the Key Responsibilities Needed for Being a SharePoint Developer?
The way employees operate in the modern workplace has changed thanks to the document management platform SharePoint. The creation of SharePoint has transformed the office into a tiny space where everyone can share information such as files, reports, photos, and ... Continue Reading →

Does the healthcare industry need Salesforce CRM?
Introduction on Salesforce CRM for Healthcare Industry
The world’s #1 CRM has a proven track record of assisting businesses in exceeding their sales targets. After all, half of its name is “sales.” However, the methods in which Salesforce boosts ... Continue Reading →

The Top Salesforce Trends in 2022 you never knew
If your company is one of the many around the world adjusting to a new digital-first, work-from-anywhere environment, you’re well aware of the difficulties in maintaining technology and fostering communication outside of the traditional office setting.
After ... Continue Reading →
PC Cloud Backup for Your Data Security – CBackupper
Now, we are living in a digital age and more and more people have realized the importance of data backup because the loss of data can be catastrophic. Nowadays, there are many backup solutions that people can choose to protect their data including (external) hard ... Continue Reading →
Tips for Businesses to Use Cloud Encryption
In 2020, cybersecurity is of greater importance than ever before. For many people, this can often be an afterthought whether it’s in reaction to something that’s already gone wrong or only following through with habit shifts in non-negotiable circumstances ... Continue Reading →