We are all well aware that we shouldn’t drive while distracted and that nothing presents a bigger distraction than our cell phones. Whether talking or texting, cell phone use while driving can not only net you a ticket, but also runs the very real risk of finding you involved in a car accident.
There are times, however, that cell phone use while driving is unavoidable. When you absolutely must use your cell phone while you are operating your vehicle, it is imperative that you do so with the utmost safety. Here are 5 tips for using cell phone while driving with utmost safety:
1. Utilize A Hands-Free System
Even if you think that you will never drive and use your cell phone at the same time, it’s a good idea to purchase a hands-free system for your car. If your car isn’t equipped with Bluetooth, you can easily find a system that will work with your car’s 12v and auxiliary hook-ups. Hands-free use of your cell phone is always the safest option when it comes to driving and talking at the same time.
2. Pull Over
If at all possible, pull over to the side of the road or, better yet, into a parking lot before you use your phone. By getting off of the road, and stopping your vehicle, you practically eliminate your risk of causing, or being involved in, an accident.
3. Know Your Phone
Before you attempt to use your phone in the car, you should know exactly where its functions, buttons or icons are located. By knowing how to operate your phone ahead of time, you won’t have to take your eyes off of the road for an extended period to answer or dial your phone.
4. Use Speed or Voice-Activated Dialing
Smart phones today have features that make them user-friendly and safer to operate while driving. Get to know your phones voice-activation features and use them to make calls or to text your family or friends while you’re in the car. If your phone does not have a voice-activation feature, at least program important numbers so that they can be dialed with a very short combination of key taps.
5. Use Common Sense
Your vehicle is not the place to take part in emotional or stressful conversations. There is nothing that can’t wait until you get home or to somewhere that is safer than your moving vehicle. When considering whether or not to use your cell phone while driving, ask yourself if it is an emergency. Ordering dinner, calling a friend or returning your mother’s phone call can all wait; mundane conversations are not worth risking your life or the lives of others.
Cell phone use while driving should be avoided when at all possible. There are times and situations, however, when using your phone in the car cannot be avoided. When these times arise, use as much care as possible to avoid causing harm to yourself and others.
Lisa Tulley is a stay at home blogger and writes for www.Kanetix.ca, a site where you can compare auto insurance. Find a better rate by using Quebec car insurance quotes from Kanetix auto Quebec!
Credits: Top Image & Bottom Image
Feb 21. 2012
Thanks for such a wonderful article! It helped me a lot in improving my knowledge.
Feb 21. 2012
Glad that it helped you …
Feb 21. 2012
using cell phone while driving is an very dangerous and it may cause many accident
Feb 21. 2012
Yep .. that is why one needs to avoid cell phone use while driving at all possible times
Feb 21. 2012
Head set can also be safe to use while driving. In Taiwan, headset is commonly used when people are driving. It can help them in safe communication while driving. But, there are a lot of phones activated mail voice for safe driving.
Feb 21. 2012
I’m completely for fining for the use of sell phone while driving. The person who talks on the phone behind the wheel endagers not only his or her life, but also the life of the passengers and other people on the road or pavement. Hands free is a good way out in such a situation. Surely it’s better to pull over but sometimes it’s impossible.
Feb 21. 2012
Thanks for your comment Steve …
Feb 21. 2012
One of the main causes of accidents nowadays is due to mobile phones. In my point of view, there should be a law to totally ban using the mobiles while driving. Might sound harsh but its for the best for both the driver and the others.
Feb 21. 2012
You’re right … Safety comes first !!
Feb 21. 2012
Great! tips thanks you I always have a problem of calling while driving… will try this out
Feb 21. 2012
Nice safety advice here, too many people across the world are injured due to needlessly being on their phone in dangerous situations. Voice activated dialing/bluetooth is a good option and safe if a phone call is essential but in my opinion the phone should not be used at all when in control of a vehicle.
Feb 21. 2012
Truly said… Mobile phone driving should be avoided at all times
Feb 22. 2012
Great tips. I will share these with my wife, she is always talking and facebooking while driving.
Feb 22. 2012
It is not wise to use a phone while driving but if you insist you can use SIRI voice command assistant or the like to help you operate your phone. So you don’t need to touch it.
Feb 22. 2012
Good reminder. I always put on my earphone whenever I’m expecting a call and I needed to drive someplace.
Feb 22. 2012
That’s a great act, Lily…
Feb 22. 2012
#5th one seems nice to me. Thank you for info.
Feb 23. 2012
Its better to stop by for a minute and do wateva with the cellphone .. if its a long call then better use handsfree, bluetooth or else on turn on the speaker
Feb 23. 2012
As stupid as they look headsets are really great to use while driving to keep your attention on the road. In the grocery store maybe not so much…
Feb 23. 2012
I usually stop the car when I have to text or call someone. Though I admit that I sometimes text while driving but I see to it that my focus is on the road not on the cellphone. That’s why if it is something important, I really stop the car. Great tips though.
Feb 23. 2012
Thanks for the comment …
Feb 24. 2012
I desire to say that i like this post a lot.I believe you are right about that. I just heard the same statistic on the radio yesterday about cell phone users while driving being the equivalent of drunk when it comes to their reaction times. Been there done that. It can definitely be a serious distraction using a cell phone while driving. It’s a good idea to pull over if you need to use the phone. It’s still easier than using a pay phone.
Feb 27. 2012
Good points. I remember there are some apps also that helps when driving while talking. One of them tells you if you are too fast while talking so that you can either slow down or stop talking and start concentrating.
Feb 27. 2012
That’s really cool …
Mar 02. 2012
-Good piece of information.
Mar 03. 2012
I think it’s wise to just pull over if the call is really important.
Mar 13. 2012
I strongly agree with these tips to save lives – not only of the driver, but others too. This reminds me of billboard with the sign that goes something like: “The next life you save could be yours.”
Mar 18. 2012
that’s the only time where I find Siri(iPhone 4s) to be of some use. Great tips.
Mar 31. 2012
I think the best way would be to utilize a hands free system because sometimes important calls come in when we’re inside the car..
Mar 31. 2012
Safety first. Don’t think of yourself but think of others. If it can wait, just use your phone when you are not driving.
Mar 31. 2012
You’re absolutely right Ann … Thanks for stopping by !
Apr 01. 2012
Using a mobile while driving is constantly in the news now. Weare all aware of the dangers. Let’s be honest we are all distracted when on the phone whether we want to admit it or not. Using an ear piece that is always switched on and connected is about the safest way of using a mobile in my experience as minimal disruption is caused to your driving.
Thanks for post very informative
Apr 02. 2012
Thanks for stopping by ..
Apr 30. 2012
nice cell phone handling tips..thanks
May 22. 2012
Thanks for all these tips. I hope people respond to it to avoid unnecessary and unwanted road accidents. I for one am using a hands free system.
May 25. 2012
Great tips for those who like to use the cell phone while driving. (I’m actually one of them), so I will definitely be keeping these tips in mind.