Tech Crates Insides: Experimental Server Hardware Upgrade :)

A warm welcome and good afternoon fellow friends and true readers. As planned during the last weeks our Server Hardware has been migrated to a  real pc based hardware and as you will think immediately this migration is worth showing some details and pictures for sure! All is experimental and fun based tech geek stuff!

Initially hosting the website in US with a mirrored backup in Germany over the last years made a very stable and reliable hardware infrastructure which is ready to take the next step in expanding the daily technology article reviews, tests and benchmarks in our labratory in Stuttgart, Germany and Manila, Philippines.

The operating system is installed and runs on a SSD with 256 GB capacity. The system is able to run Linux and Windows in parallel dedicating specific CPU cores to an operating system.

System Hardware Configuration

The whole server computer uses single hardware components which have been hand selected and built together in an open Desktop case. This provides a fantastic tech geek optic and is very convenient to adjust the system easily.

CPU: Intel iCore 5 @ 4x 3Ghz
CPU Fan: EKL Nordwand Rev. B
Motherboard: Zotac H55 Mini ITX Board
RAM: Corsair 4GB XMS2
GPU: ATI Radeon HD 4850
GPU Fan: Zalman VF900-LED
PSU: Enermax 90+
SSD: OCZ Vertex 4
HDD: 4 x 1TB in Raid5


The major advantage of using the Raid 5 hardware system is to have redundancy and performance at the same time. Only 1 hard disk drive is used to store redundant data which can be used to rebuild the raid system when one hard disk crashes. This means that 3 out of 4 hdds can be used to store data.

With this experimental state running websites on own hardware at home, I want to study the pros and cons of hosting at home. Don’t worry, the whole website is mirrored anyway.

In case my home network and infrastructure has an issue, the mirrored backup sync will automatically do the job without any notice of an internet user. Will keep you updated on the experiment soon … Stay tuned on Tech Crates!

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