As recently as two decades ago, very few small and medium-sized businesses used computers for much more than simple word processing. Even just ten years ago, our reliance upon these devices and the related technology in the workplace was just a fraction of what it is today. Now, companies and their workers are constantly interacting with technological products and are connecting to the internet and its services every day, from all over the world, as part of standard business operations.
Technological Advancements and Impacts
While technological advancements in recent years having vastly changed the way in which nearly all companies conduct business, organizations are faced with a new problem – how to keep their employees up-to-date with all of the changes they use every day. Luckily, it’s these very advances that make the entire training process much easier.

How Fast Is Technology Actually Advancing?
According to Gordon Moore, a co-founder of Intel, it’s advancing very quickly. In a 1965 paper, Moore established “Moore’s Law” which states that technology related to computers doubles every twenty-four months. Today, some experts would even argue that the speed and efficacy of computers are increasing at a rate even faster than that. With technologies such as cloud computing and Software-as-a-Service having gained major public support in recent years, it’s evident that there is definitely no slow-down in growth. In addition to major advancements in the field, more and more businesses are becoming heavily reliant on technology which adds to the importance of keeping employee training current.
What This Means For Your Employees And Your Company
With technological advancements being made and implemented in the workplace so quickly, it is easy for employees to get left in the dark. This can spell disaster for your business in short order if the situation is not promptly addressed. Without proper training, employees may have a more difficult time adapting to new technologies which will not only mean frustration and dissatisfaction in the workplace for them, but also a major loss of productivity. If your team is not equipped to work with the tools needed to keep your company competitive in the marketplace, it is just a matter of time until the whole business becomes antiquated compared to your competitors.
Employee Training Is Easier And More Affordable Than Ever
The process of learning and adapting to new technology should never stop – it should be a continuously ongoing process for your employees and your company as a whole. Luckily, even though the current major advances in computer technology and its applications in the workplace makes continued employee training a strongly needed service, it is easier than ever to provide to your staff. In years past, training meant bringing in expensive professionals and taking away full days of productivity from your team. Now, modern technologies allow training on nearly all technology-related matters to be conducted online, at a time that works for both you and your employees. By using online training resources, you can save significant amounts of money on training costs and also be equipped to provide current, relevant training to your employees when they need it.
Soft skills do matter! The term soft skills is a term often associated with a person’s “EQ” (Emotional Intelligence Quotient), the cluster of personality traits, social graces, communication, language, personal habits, interpersonal skills, managing people, leadership, etc. that characterize relationships with other people. Using an up to date communciations training company is the key to maintaining high standards among your employees.
There is no doubt about it – technology is changing at a rapid pace. Without providing proper training to your employees, it is likely that they will be left in the dust of progress and will find it much more difficult to perform at their maximum productivity levels. Although training has historically been an expensive and inconvenient process, one benefit of the continuing advancement of technology is that it has made the act of keeping employees up to speed a much simpler and cost-effective one.
Mark Arnold has years of experience as an IT manager. He enjoys sharing his expertise to help companies grow and increase productivity. Check K Alliance for more details about IT training programs and certifications.
The Impact Of Advancing Technology On Employee Training,
Dec 10. 2013
Yeah, one of the blessings of the internet.
Dec 10. 2013
very nice article
This is easier for employer to train their employees with technology advances,It’s quicker and save a lot of time for business and money of course.
Thanks for your sharing,
Dec 11. 2013
Hello Stephan and August,
thanks for your comments, I am glad you liked it.
Dec 14. 2013
Great information! The expense aspect is huge for large corporations.
Dec 14. 2013
Thanks for your comment Joe and for liking it. It is huge indeed for big businesses!
May 24. 2014
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Jul 12. 2014
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Jul 13. 2014
Thank you very much Raihan!