Expert-Level Blog Design Tips for Learner

People are fonder of watching videos today than reading articles and blogs. Yet, a blog does get some regular readers and subscribers. This is because of two reasons – the content on that blog is unique and the design of the blog is appealing. You need professional website designing services to create a blog that can attract an audience.

There are 5 aspects of a blog design, for which we’ll be giving you tips:There are 5 aspects of a blog design, for which we’ll be giving you tips
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The layout of the page comprises the main menu, categories, snippets, and call-to-action buttons. The way you place everything makes a big difference. The best type of layout is a card layout which has the following elements:


Have you heard of the phrase “less is more”? It holds absolutely true when it comes to deciding on a color scheme for a blog. Never use more than 3-4 colors for the blog. We’re not counting the feature images here. You need a good amount of white space, black fonts, a primary color and a neutral shade to highlight your color scheme and images.

Here are some tips on the kind of colors you can choose for different types of blogs:


You can use a combination of 2-3 fonts at the most. The blog title needs to be the boldest and largest font, the main content can have another and maybe the third style can be used for author name, date or category. Here are some font styles that look sophisticated:


While it is important that the image quality has to be of the highest level, it is also important that you maintain a specific size and ratio for every image you use. This applies for the featured images used for every blog as well as the images you in the blog. It adds consistency to the page layout. Here are the different types of images you should choose for different types of blogs:

Snippet Content

The snippet of the blog present on the layout needs to have the featured image, blog title, blog author, blog date and one or two lines of the blog. It also mentions the category the blog belongs to along with call-to-action buttons like “Read More” or social sharing icons.

The title and the description on the snippet need to have a fixed character limit. If you’re using professional website designing services, your designer will definitely ensure that. Do ensure it is catchy as that is what will attract your reader to the CTA button.

Overall, the blog design needs to be appealing to your audience. The type of color scheme, fonts and images you choose largely depend on the type of audience and the type of content your blog has.

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