Whether you’re an administrator, a principal or a teacher, utilizing a file sharing site, or the cloud, for your large files has many advantages. No longer do you have to depend on email or hope that students remember to share important information with their parents or guardians. Here are five important pieces of information that you can store securely on a file sharing site for easy access.

1. Student Handbook
Every school has a student handbook full of rules, dress codes and a list of consequences for infractions. It’s not unusual for students to stuff these handbooks in their lockers on the first day of school, never to look at them again, let alone share them with their parents. By keeping your student handbook on a file sharing site, you can be sure that no student can ever tell you that they didn’t get a copy and parents are made aware of the rules that their children must follow while in school.
2. Fundraising Information
Most schools have various fundraisers throughout the year, and it can be difficult keeping track of all of the necessary information. Losing just one detail can wreak havoc on the entire effort. By storing your fundraising information on a file sharing site, you can distribute information to those who need it, collaborate with fellow fundraisers and stay up-to-date with the latest fundraising information.
3. Class Calendar
If you use a file sharing site to store your school or classroom information, be sure to store a copy of the class calendar with all of your available information. By keeping your class calendar online, parents will always be aware of important dates and events taking place in your building. You won’t have to worry about sending folders home with students or relying on them to take a letter home to mom and dad.
4. Class Projects
For older students, file sharing sites are a great way to work together on a class project. Students can collaborate with each other online and teachers can keep track of their progress. This is an especially handy tool for large research projects that involve a groups of students. Parents can also utilize the information to know exactly what their children should be working on and when their homework is due.
5. Field Trip Information
File sharing sites offer a convenient way to store field trip information for teachers, students and parents. You can upload permission slips, information about the destination and other pertinent information. After the field trip, you can upload pictures, videos and other information about the excursion. Using a file sharing site to store information about class field trips can be a perfect way to engage busy parents and get them involved.
File sharing sites aren’t just for CEOs and small business owners. Sharing files online offers multiple benefits that can be of use to educators as well. By using a file sharing site for the five items listed above, you can reduce your website operating costs, make sharing important information more convenient and ensure that parents are more involved in their children’s education.
Gary Waters writes for tech blogs where you can learn more about how to send large files.
File Sharing and Education: 5 Reasons to Use the Cloud,
Oct 03. 2012
Appreciate it for helping out, great article for educational use of filesharing
Oct 03. 2012
Thanks for your appreciation Yael
Oct 04. 2012
Thanks for sharing this information and resources its really help full for me and my working with the help of this we can improve our working greate work
LG Optimus Net for Net10
Oct 04. 2012
Really useful to me because I am forgetful at times. Cloud reminds me of important events.
Oct 09. 2012
Thanks guys for commenting. Cloud topics are great future
Oct 09. 2012
This is very nice and important article for all student.I like very much your idea.I think all student should use file sharing site to store there school or classroom information, be sure to store a copy of the class calendar with all of your available information.so it is very fine.
Feb 26. 2014
As files get bigger and bigger cloud file sharing services like beachballftp.com are becoming more popular. It’s quicker to store files and download them when convenient. Plus they serve as a backup.