Fix Outlook 2010 Error 0x800ccc0e While Synchronizing GMAIL Account

Outlook is a personal manager application which is integrated as a part of MS Office Suite. Moreover, Outlook is used as desktop mail clients by many people to manage their personal as well as the official emails. Outlook provides flexibility and reliability to the users in emailing and also in managing tasks, journals, calendars etc. But, there can be certain occasions Outlook prompts error messages while synchronizing the profile with Gmail account. ERROR: 0x800ccc0e is one of the prominent errors that occur while synchronizing Outlook 2010 with Gmail account.Fix Outlook 2010 Error 0x800ccc0e While Synchronizing GMAIL Account

Causes of ERROR: 0x800ccc0e

The root cause of the error message is that Outlook is unable to synchronize its profile with Gmail account. This can occur if

These are the common situation that leads to synchronization errors. Let’s see how we can fix ERROR: 0x800ccc0e occurred while synchronizing Gmail Account with Outlook 2010.

How Can I Fix ERROR: 0x800ccc0e?

The error can be easily fixed if the root cause for the synchronization error is identified. The first and foremost step to fix the error is to check the availability of the network connectivity. If so, troubleshoot the network settings and get Outlook profile synchronized with Gmail.

Check if any antivirus application installed in the system prevents the synchronization process. If so deactivate the application or uninstall it if required. Sometimes firewall may block the synchronization process and prompts the error. If need then disable the firewall too.

The next method that you can opt for fixing the ERROR: 0x800ccc0e is to check the port settings since wrong port setting can also lead to the synchronization errors. If encryption enabled on your system use port 993 for the connection otherwise, use port 143 for the connection setup.

If Outlook is unable to synchronize the subscribed folders from Gmail account then you can try for the below described steps to fix the error. This may probably help you to fix Outlook error 0x800ccc0e, unable to synchronize subscribed folders. The steps are as follows

  1. Open Outlook 2010 from your system.
  2. Go to File menu then select Options from there.
  3. From Outlook options, select Advanced settings.
  4. Click on Send/ receive button.
  5. Opt for the Edit option from the newly opened window.
  6. Uncheck the box Get Folder Unread Count Subscribed Folders and go for the Use the Custom Behavior Defined Below option.
  7. The click OK and close the window.

This steps helps you to change the send or receive setting of the account and thereby enable you to fix Error 0x800ccc0e while synchronizing the subscribed folders in Outlook 2010 from Gmail account.

If none of the above solution fixes the Error 0x800ccc0e you can even try the enable less secure apps setting from Gmail account and then try to synchronize the Gmail account with Outlook 2010. This may surely fixes the synchronization error in outlook 2010.


Outlook is the most commonly used mail client around the globe. The synchronization is an important process carried in order to send or receive a mail in desktop. Error can occur while synchronizing Outlook with the Gmail server. The Error 0x800ccc0e one such error that occurs while synchronizing Gmail account with Microsoft Outlook 2010 can be due several reasons. And any of the above mentioned solutions may help you to fix the error.

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