How Apple Became A Global Powerhouse

If you asked someone what they knew about Apple in the early 2000s, it would not be surprising to receive a response describing the fruit. Today, however, people would immediately recognize the company as one of the largest and most influential brands in the world.

Global Player

With an annual sales growth of 15%, Apple has surpassed Microsoft and even Coca-Cola to become the Best Global Brand of 2013.Apple's success in the world consumer market and modern tech gadget devices for smartphones, tablets and tvs

Beating out Coca-Cola, the thirteen-year champion, was not an easy feat for Apple. Its rocky history and poor beginnings put Apple behind its competitors for almost two decades. But sound decision making coupled with consistently simple and innovative designs helped Apple pull itself out of a pit and take the top spot as the world’s best global brand.

Historic Summary

In 1977 Apple made a name for itself by releasing the computer Apple II. Though it gained traction during this time, a large gap between products left Apple vulnerable to competition: it took seven years for Apple to launch its follow up product.

By that time, Microsoft partnered with IBM to batter Apple’s market share by blanketing the industry with cheap hardware loaded with the Windows OS. By the time 1984 rolled around, Apple had lost it’s advantage and was pushed aside in the computer industry. Struggling to make it to the end of the millennium, Apple brought its founder, Steve Jobs, back in 1997.


By the time the year 2000 rolled around, a new product was rolling into retail stores. MP3’s were flooding into electronics providers’ hands, but the industry lacked a breadwinning product. Stores had products like Creative’s Nomad Jukebox and Sony’s Vaio MC-P10 Music Clip, but the manufacturers were producing the items without marketing them effectively.

Consumers wanted to carry music around with them, and MP3 players provided them that luxury without the use of large clunky CD players. Apple saw this and released the iPod in 2001 with a strong branding campaign, revolutionizing the MP3 industry. Apple made a similar seismic leap in 2007, by creating the smartphone market with the introduction of the iPhone.

Consistently Simple Innovative Designs

The iPod was a huge success, not only because of the branding campaign surrounding it, but because of the amount of detail Apple took into consideration when outlining the user experience. The iPod was a beautiful device that allowed users to listen to music with little to no effort. Simplicity was engraved into the device’s being, in both style and technology.

Apple created a product that provided a service while also allowing individuals to make statements about themselves. This dynamic changed the tech device industry by forcing competitors to take a step back from simply programing and producing. This time, however, Apple didn’t make the same mistake as it did in the 80’s. New ideas and gadgets soon followed the iPod as the company continually changed its products year after year.

By evolving its design from a basic template, Apple created easily recognizable products. For instance, an average individual can pick out an iPhone far quicker than an Android phone, and the company has turned nearly every Apple customer into a brand advocate.

Apple may have other practices that supplement the strategies above, but the fact remains that Apple’s strong decision making coupled with consistent innovative design created the perfect recipe for success. It took advantage of a lame duck market, built a brand new industry, and capitalized with functional designs, innovative technology, and a steady stream of great products.

This article was written by Scott Mann, marketing psychologist. When he’s not writing he actually enjoys reading up on international business. If you run an international business, remember that international freight requires trusted forwarders.

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