We all know that Google AdSense is the ultimate way to earn lots of money and if you are shaking hands with Google AdSense that means it is sure that your earnings will be increased. You can use Google AdSense with blogs, youtube videos and other types of websites.
Do you have ever thought that there are many alternatives available on the internet but still Google AdSense is popular, why? The answer is here, Google has many qualities that other ad programs don’t have and I am describing some of these features here in this post, so that you can know the importance of the Google AdSense. These are some features that make your website SEO friendly even after placing Google AdSense ads on your website.

SEO friendly features of Google AdSenese
- No hidden ads inside content – many ad programs available on internet provide the hidden ads but still according to most of the SEO experts, you should avoid hidden ads because this makes your page heavy and sometimes Google’s crawlers can misinterpret this. It is also not good to distract the user from the content because it may make a poor image of your website in the user’s mind and he may avoid visiting your website from next time.
- No popup ads – Google AdSense doesn’t offer you any type of pop up ads and according to many SEO experts, it is good to avoid all the pop up ads from your website because Google doesn’t like too much script on any page. That’s the reason why most of the pages that have too much ads on them ranks very bad on Google Search engine Result Page (SERP).
- Light weight scripts of Google ads – there are two types of scripts that Google Adsense offers to you and those are –
- Synchronous Ads – Synchronous ads are those ads that are loaded with the content of your page and I don’t think that any ad program present today offers ads other than these types of ads, they all offer synchronous ads that means too many ads increases the load on your website and makes it slow.
- Asynchronous Ads – These are the ads that I think only Google can offer. These SEO friendly ads are so smart that they let the page to be loaded at the user’s side first and they give another thread to this whole process and they are loaded in parallel to the content that means whether you place ads on your page or not the content will be loaded at the same time.
- Option of text and banner ads – Too much banners and especially big banners on the upper side may make Google’s crawler think that your page is spammy, but these intelligent ads take the responsibility at themselves, they take the decision at their own. I will share some hints about where to place your ads on the page in the last of this post.
- Option of listing the links – This is the most amazing feature of the AdSense through which you can avoid putting big banner ads at top of the page, while SEO experts suggest that you should not place big banners at the top of the page, so this becomes the elegant option to avoid the big banners, these are the horizontal or vertical links that you can select according to the place where you are putting these and place them there, these light weight links will solve your doubt about placing big banners and let the user think that they are actually informative links and when the user will click on them he will be redirected to a page where a list of relevant ads would be waiting for the user.
- Many ads in one unit – Google AdSense also offer a fashionable sliding menu option that you can see on Tech Crates also, this is very light weight in comparison to matching ads provided by other ad programs.
- More options of ad sizes – Google provides many size options of ads but it recommends only best sizes to you which are SEO friendly also, Google AdSense recommends you sizes like – 336×280, 300×250, 728×90, 160×600.
Some places where you should place your ads
- Place one light weight ad just above the first fold and always remember that this area is very important. Never put any heavy banner here and try to place a very light weight ad here.
- Place ad at the upper right corner of the page and always try to place ad here because every ad program recommends this area for the ad.
- Place the ad inside the content because chances are higher that the user will easily click on this ad and it has been proven that its placing inside the content is very crucial for getting clicks because I get most of the clicks from this area.
- Place one ad below the folds of your posts so that the user who was involved so deeply in your content, at last he can get a view of an amazing product and can click on it.
So here I am ending with the conclusion that if you are the owner of a blog which has AdSense on it, than you are the most lucky person, because Google AdSense is such a program in which you can make money with your ads and you will do all this by making sure that the ads on your website will never make your website spammy as some other ad programs may do.
Author introduction
Anubhav Mishra is the owner and the writer at Technology Eater, he writes about blogging, smart phones, robots, gadgets, softwares and tutorials.
Aug 01. 2014
Hi Anubhav, thanks for this awesome tips, Adsense and SEO are friendly i must say, or what do you expect? Google-Adsense-SEO are all in the same boat captained by one person.
Anubhav Mishra
Aug 14. 2014
thanks Emebu, i just wrote this article because this tips should be shared with many people.
Anubhav Mishra
Aug 14. 2014
thanks Emebu, i wrote this because these tips should be shared with many others.
Aug 11. 2014
Nice post. Its so interesting and much impressive.
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