Why You Need to Choose the Correct Google Display Ad Dimensions and How to Do It

Google Display Ads allow you to produce visually intriguing ads to capture the attention of your target audience. Unlike Google’s text ads, display ads include more options to significantly help increase your click-through and conversion rates. You have both static and animated ad choices that add visual impact that you can’t achieve with standard Google ads. Display ads should also be considered as part of your digital marketing efforts because they are not dependent on keyword searches; instead, you have access to more than 2 million websites in the Google Display Ad network, greatly expanding your reach.

Do you really need to Care about the Correct Dimension?

When it comes to Google Display Ad sizes and dimensions, the different format and size choices can become a little overwhelming. Considering that each website in Google’s display network has control over the ads featured on their site, you could limit your reach if you choose the wrong size. As well, some sizes get more impressions, so looking into the effectiveness of each ad size is important.

Other issues that can affect your ads include ad blockers that commonly affect 300 x 250 and 728 x 90 sizes. You also want sizing that is mobile friendly. In a nutshell, the variables can impact the placement of your ad, the frequency of views, and how they will be displayed in the face of ad blockers and mobile devices. Our infographic helps you avoid common issues so you can a) Make sure you use the right dimensions b) Understand the types of file formats Google accepts and c) Make sure your file does not exceed the allowable file size.

Everything you want to know about Display Ad Dimensions

We’ve already mentioned how overwhelming it can be when trying to understand the correct Google ad dimensions. This includes three different categories of display ads with about 20 dimensions for each category. That’s a lot of info to digest! Our simple infographic provides everything you need at a glance including:

As you can see before you make any decisions, and especially before you hand this assignment over to the creative team, this chart is your go-to infographic for Google Display Ad dimensions.

Google Display Ad Dimensions 2019

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