Google has provided its mobile and tablet users with a brand new version of its Android operating system last fall, giving them a whole new approach to app design, much improved functionality and cool new features. Although the OS has not been rolled out to all eligible devices yet (thanks to the slow reaction time of manufacturers), Google has already released a new version of its Lollipop OS, version 5.1, with even more new things crammed into it. Here is a selection of a few of them.

1. Quick settings
A quick drag down from the top of the screen will reveal the quick settings drawer, even if the phone or tablet is locked and PINed (did I just invent a new word? :D). Through this drawer users can quickly toggle WiFi and Bluetooth, launch a flashlight, adjust brightness and more. Users can customize their quick settings drawer in Android 5.1, eliminating shortcuts they don’t use by long pressing on them.
2. HD Audio
Android’s new Lollipop version will allow users to make and receive voice calls in HD (high definition audio), meaning breathtaking crystal clear sound in their ears. This feature will only be available on compatible devices and on compatible networks – Google’s announcement only mentions the Nexus 6 handset, and operators like T-Mobile and Verizon at this time.
3. Native dual SIM support
Dual SIM phones are highly popular in most emerging markets, and are also used by those traveling a lot abroad. Android 5.1 will have native support for this feature, allowing the user to choose which SIM to use through the dialer, and color coding its interface so they always know for sure which SIM they are using – so no more accidental roaming for you.
4. Quick Dismiss of Notifications
Android 5.0 brought a new feature, namely notifications dropping in from the top of the screen as they happen – and users had the option to interact with them, dismiss them or wait for them to disappear. In Lollipop 5.1 users can do a quick swipe up to temporarily dismiss the notification – no more interruption while playing the best online casino visit – and deal with them later.
5. WiFi Quality Detection?
Have you ever entered a bar or a restaurant with an ancient WiFi network, not updated and not maintained? Has your phone’s data transfer suddenly freeze because of a crappy WiFi network it has connected to? Well, with Android 5.1 this will not happen again: the operating system will be able to detect if the network is crappy, and refuse to connect to it – even more, it will remember the crappy connection and avoid it in the future.
Google Releases Android 5.1 Operating System,