How a New Follower on Social Media Can Become a Lifelong Follower

Your social media accounts will be attracting new followers all the time. But how do you go about turning these curious web users into lifelong fans? Turning a new follower into an engaged follower who cares about your brand takes work.

Read this article to discover how to go from that first retweet, that firs share, or that first Promoted Tweet to gathering lifelong social media fan who engages with your brand, and converts into a customer.

From brand new social media follower, to lifelong fan of your brand


Have a consistent posting schedule for each platform

Few actions will build your community like a social media platform that has a schedule so users know when to show up for new content. Long delays and irregular updates lead followers, especially those new followers with little invested in you, to drift away.

An important note here that a consistent schedule doesn’t mean a CONSTANT schedule. I coined the phrase “tweet flooding” to describe a Twitter user who will post tweet non-stop in sudden bursts. Anything more than two in a minute, and you’re risking annoying your Twitter followers. This goes for other social platforms as well.

To stay consistent, try tools like Hootsuite or Buffer. Both allow you to schedule posts and content for later so you don’t have to post everything all at once during the one hour of the day that you have time.

Keep your content appropriate to the social media platform

You have to use the unique features of each social media platform to the fullest. Each one appeals to its users because of these features. Trying to post in a LinkedIn style on Twitter will be a complete #EpicFail. Here are other examples of the importance of platform appropriate content:


The last point is to view what your competition has done. Find their successful content on each platform and build your plan around it.

Everyone loves giveaways and contests – especially new followers

Having giveaways, promotions and contests on your social media account will not only keep your new and older followers interest, but it will also give them motivation to share your content. Remember that social media marketing is value added marketing. By sharing a contest with their friends, your followers are adding value to the lives of their own followers.

Look to this Nielsen study for proof of Twitter user behavior: 52% of those surveyed stated that they followed a business just to be notified of giveaways, contests, and promotions.

Use your scheduling tool’s search function to find new followers

A bonus that you’ll find with Hootsuite is that you can use it to find new followers who are not aware of you, but should be. The Hootsuite search function can find these new followers by doing keyword searches. Look for:

This is the online world and you need to use your online tools to the fullest. Start using the search function to find new followers – why just wait for them to find you? That’s a pretty lazy approach!

Greet your new followers

Never forget the ‘social’ part of ‘social media.’ A simple one on one conversations with your new followers will not only help to build a community, but it’s also polite. Think of the real world, would you not at least say “Hello, glad you’re joining us!” to someone who looked to join in a conversation with you? Of course not!

You may also want to try using the #welcomeTweet hashtag, just to help include the tweet in that context. I can show others just browsing that hashtag that you’re a friendly account, who doesn’t like friendly people???

These small acts can go a long way to increasing brand loyalty, and demonstrating your social proof. They clearly show your dedication to being more than a marketing message, they show that you’re a person who is approachable and not about your new followers or old followers – you’re part of the group!

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