On the Hunt: How Important Is Education When Trying to Score a Job?

When looking for a job, one of the things that many job seekers find in a job description is the minimum education requirement. Not meeting that requirement can result in being passed up for a job in favor of someone who has the required education level.

The level of education that you have is paramount to your success. It isn’t just because of the experience that an education instills, but it’s about the drive and commitment that it took to complete the degree or program. Sometimes, it’s not about what kind of degree or diploma you have as much as it is having a degree or diploma in the first place. Many people learn certain skills on the job that can qualify them for a certain position whether a specific degree is present or not. Highlighting these skills on your resume’ is very important because that can be the difference between getting the job and not getting it. It helps to use a resume maker for all jobs and industries that guides you through doing this.create a resume for business

What A Completed Education Reveals

Having a college degree, diploma, or certificate shows that you have taken initiative to acquire the basic knowledge needed to effectively perform a job. Some of the skills that are better developed with an education include:

l Communication skills – English and language skills are a major focus of learning institutions because it is essential to have good written and verbal communication skills. Plans, goals, and ideas have to be effectively conveyed.

l Math and science – Although computers do a lot of the work nowadays, it’s still important to know how to make basic calculations in your head and/or on paper. The medical field is a perfect example of a profession that requires good math skills because dosages have to be calculated, supplies have to be inventoried, and many other activities require math.

More Knowledge Earns More Money

Many employers will offer more money to people with higher educations. In other words, a person with a four-year degree might be offered more money than someone with a two-year degree. Here are examples of how an education makes a difference:

No college degree in the medical field – Up to $40,000 per year

Nursing career with two-year or four-year degree – Up to $55,000 per year

Nursing career with master’s degree – Up to $90,000 per year.

It’s easy here to see that an education can make a significant difference in how much money you earn. Although an employer may hire people with no degrees or low-level degrees, it’s those with higher levels of education that make the most money.

It’s Not Always About a College Degree

With the major shortage in skilled trade workers, trade school attendance is starting to grow because the earning potential is increasing. There is an increase in demand for mechanics, factory workers, welders, plumbers, electricians, and other such professionals. This means that you don’t necessarily have to have a college degree if you have the education in the trade. It can just take a couple of years to acquire a certificate or diploma in a specific trade.

Think About Your Future

All in all, you have to have some form of education to put on your resume’ so you aren’t looked over. A relevant education is good, but sometimes it comes down to having the education and any skills you have acquired along the way. Make sure that your education and all job-related skills are highlighted on your resume’ to increase your chance of scoring that job.

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