How Much Does App Development Cost for Businesses?

Every entrepreneur first thinks about the app development cost. It is essential to know the estimated app development cost. It helps in estimating an adequate budget and planning to spend. According to business and its need, mobile app development costs vary from $20,000 to $500,000. It completely depends on the business’s functionality. But still, functionality is not the only factor that can affect cost.

The article will explain app development cost and what lies behind the estimation of app development cost.
How Much Does App Development Cost for Businesses
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How much does it cost to make an app in 2021?

There are many wrong perceptions about app development costs. Some people think that the cost of app development depends upon the hours spend on coding. This approach is far from reality.

Besides coding, many important aspects are important in the development of a project. And to accomplish that, project development needs the following specialists:

  1. HTML/CSS skills.
  2. Analytical skills.
  3. Responsive design skills.
  4. JavaScript skills.
  5. Interpersonal skills.
  6. Testing and debugging skills.
  7. Back-end basics.
  8. Search engine optimization.

All roles mentioned above need qualified experts in their field to create a robust app. But they charge a reasonable price for their time and work. App development is a time-taking process that needs more than one developer, according to Custom Website Design Services In USA. That’s the reason work hours comprise a big part of app development costs.

App development is not an easy task. It requires time, patience, and, more importantly, money. Many factors can affect the app development cost. And the total cost to create an app. Therefore, please read this article to find out about factors that affect the cost of app development.

Factor Affecting Mobile App Development Cost

1. The Cooperation model

The cooperation model defines the client’s and team’s responsibility. Three kinds of services are provided to the customer they can select based on their needs.

But the question is how they affect mobile app development costs?

The more responsibility you give to your app developer, the more it will affect the app development cost. Suppose he is working day and night for your project so that he will demand a valuable price. But he manages fewer aspects of your project then he will ask less amount.

2. Project Management Triangle

The project management triangle is the model of project management constraints that are scope, time, and cost. At the same time, scope refers to an action that needs to be taken to attain the project’s results. Time refers to the amount of time needs to complete the project. Cost represents the money needs to complete the project.

But the question arises how these constraints affect app development costs?

They are interlinked to each other. If one aspect increases, that increase the cost of app development. For example, if the working hours increase, it will affect the app development cost simultaneously.

3. Core Features

The mobile app offers different unique and amazing features to the user. But implementation of single features can take up more than 5 hours for an app developer. It affects app development costs. Such as:

Usually, mobile apps offer registration through email or phone numbers to identify the user. But the easiest way to access an app is by creating a user profile and collecting public data through sign-in social media accounts—it an automatic but time-consuming process. For example, login with Twitter takes more than 8 to develop the app backend server using NodeJS. Similarly, Instagram Basic Display API takes more than 9 hours for feature integration per platform (IOS, Android).

Geolocation is an app feature that comes in handy for navigation app or food delivery mobile applications. But implementing this feature in an app takes several hours for an app developer and can affect app development costs.

4. App Complexity

Mobile app features affect the app complexity, and that impacts app development cost. We have categorized the mobile apps according to their functionality. It will help you understand the concept clearly. Besides, we have included the time in hours to check how it affects app development cost.

Type Simple apps Moderate apps Complex apps
Description ●        No API integration

●        No backend

●        Basic UI components

●        Simple features (email subscription, social login, calendar, etc.)

●        Custom UI/UX features

●        Build-in payment gateway

●        API integration

●        Backend server

●        Multi-language support

●        Third-party integrations

●        Custom animations

●        Complex backend

●        Custom UI/UX design

●        Real-time features via database integration

Time 300+ hours 400-700+ hours 700-1400+ hours


Its shows that app complexity includes many different and advanced features. They enhance the quality of the app to serve a better experience to the user. But it takes more working hours. If the working hours will increase, the app development cost increases simultaneously.

What is not included in app development services?

App development is the process of establishing an app. It doesn’t mean that it will get famous among the target audience. To make it successful, you need an excellent marketing plan. Moreover, you will need a financial model and pitch deck.

How much does app development cost in total?

It’s impossible to provide you a total amount in digits. Therefore, in plain words, we can say that it depends upon you what you choose from the above factors. For example, if you select managed services that will work entirely on your project, that can cost more than an extended team.


Make your decision wisely! It will impact your business and revenue. I hope you like the article and found it useful.

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