How People are Using Cloud Services in their Daily Lives

Cloud computing is a hot item right now, but if you ask some IT professionals it’s just a meaningless buzzword. Consumer evidence suggests otherwise, however: more and more, people are using cloud-based solutions during the course of their day-to-day living.

While you might not realize it, cloud computing is part of a bigger picture movement that’s placing less emphasis on computers per se, and more emphasis on convenient and accessible ways to retrieve and manipulate our data on a daily basis. 

Let’s take a look at a few of the most common uses for cloud services today:

Skeptics suggest that cloud computing is nothing more than a buzzword, that it’s hot today and will be gone tomorrow. However, when you think about it in terms of the bigger picture, it becomes readily apparent that the marketplace is ripe for these kinds of technologies. They make our daily lives more convenient, and more flexible. They give us greater access to the information we need. Not only that, they do it in a way that’s more stable and secure than if we were simply running applications on a home computer.

Eric Greenwood is a technophile whose interests have lead him to study all things cloud from software as a service to the online storage movement. Get more tips and advice on the blog Online Storage!

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