Technology is a key factor to changes in our modern life style. People use different technologies to do their daily bunch of work tasks in office, home and even mobile on the fly. In this article we will talk about how technology effects on different parts of our life.

Technology impact on children life style
Children play game with the help of mobile technology and they are so sharp to use different touch screen mobile options. They watch cartoons and films on DVDS and satellite channels. They play video games that connected television. They also know how to use computer technologies. On the other hand if you compare modern children with 90s children then they don’t have any technology they were playing just physical game rather than technology based. Cell phones and computer are totally changing the way of children life. These two technologies are very attractive in the eyes of children.
Technology impact on student life style
In student life technology is very helpful in special manner. They use different software of computer to make our assignments and projects such as Microsoft office. They easily get any information from the internet. On the other side before 20 years these things were not introduced and students make their assignment with the help of books. In this modern age student learn without a teacher, he easily learn on internet through the use of different search engine. They can easily find out what they want. There are lots of tutorials and videos on every topic that helps to teach you.
Technology impact on general life style
When people are at home then they also use several technologies. They are watching TV with different satellite channels, watch movies on Dvds, listen songs on different USB Devices. Laptops and tablets is also movable facility that we can take with us easily.
Technology impact on practical life style
There are so many businesses that are connected with the world. Computer and internet technology change our practical life so dramatically. People are connected with the world and advertising our work through these technology. Persons they are doing job, they have use different technologies. They use USB and mobile devices to keep lots of data. In contrast, before 20 years people have only some limited resources for marketing and no one can even think to advertising worldwide easily. All working data were written on registers or hard papers.
Technology – connecting with your relatives and friends
This is most significant change with new technologies. Technology is very helpful to connect with our friend that is living anywhere in this world. Internet technology is available everywhere and people use so many different social media channels to chat and collaborate with our family and friend. There are so many videos chat software available on internet such as Skype. Before20 years, when any person outside the city or country. Telephone and mail is only the source of talk and telephone was so costly.
In conclusion, technology is totally changing the way of our life style. People are use too of these technologies. Cell phones, computer and internet technologies are dramatically change every part of our life. These technologies are very cheap in most of the countries, so people can easily afford it.
Author Bio
Sarah Palin is a professional content writer at 1 click dissertation help. She is working for an educational company. She contributes her services as a consultant from last 5 years. She is doing research work that produces so many material that help students.
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