How Video is Changing How We Consume Media

The rising need for new and relevant digital media has awakened a sleeping giant: video content creation. Recent trends among both Millennials and GenY demographics suggest that social media and video advertising are not only on the rise, but are here to stay. In fact, more video content is uploaded every month to the internet than all three major U.S. television networks combined have created in the last thirty years – that is quite a revealing number!

Corporations and brand ambassadors alike are striving to adapt to this new way of consumer outreach. Here are four of the biggest trends that are shifting the way today’s consumer understands and views video content online.How Video is Changing How We Consume Media

Mobile Devices

In addition to producing branded relevant content for the internet, corporations are now utilizing a new form of advertising that goes along with current trends: mobile video. Over the last two years more users have spent time viewing video content on a mobile device rather than in front of a desktop computer; seventy percent more, to be exact. In this regard, it stands to reason that adapting to this trend will bring invaluable benefits to companies willing to take the plunge. A growing number of businesses have even started to create unique on-brand web designs for mobile-friendly users.

Social Media

Did you know that one-third of online activity is spent watching video? As the modern technological-equivalent of the Renaissance, video branding has truly become an art form all its own. With social media apps like Snapchat, Facebook Live and Instagram making their mark on the world, consumers can now take personal branding and consumer outreach to new heights by creating their own video content that is delivered right to their intended audience. Can’t believe it? Here are the respective daily totals for video consumption on three major social media platforms to prove it:

Streaming Services

It’s no secret that entertainment has always been the major driving force of consumerism in the United States, but one approach is truly revolutionizing today’s digital market: online streaming services. By paying minimal monthly subscription fees, millions of viewers gain access to commercial-free content directly on the device of their choosing. Every year more and more people give up traditional ties to cable providers in exchange for online streaming services. In fact, in the first quarter of 2017 alone, Netflix passed the 50 million subscriber mark – talk about a milestone!

Video for Business

In an ever-increasing media-conscious economy it shouldn’t come as a surprise that video has made its way to the world of business as well. Advertisers have cracked the code for success by learning from active brands that use video to their advantage. Businesses that include video on their landing page increase conversion by eighty percent! From video pioneers like YouTube to growing mobile-applications like Snapchat and even online gaming sites utilizing video technology in their revolving video slot games, there’s one thing that rings true of them all: video reigns supreme.

Video content is slowly but surely becoming the standard by which all other forms of digital media compare themselves to. From social media to business, and everything in between, video has contributed to every major marketing campaign of the last few years. New trends will follow and change how we view content online, but for now video is king.

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