It happens so often, and it’s not unique to any one gender. “Oh, you don’t have to do anything for Valentine’s Day,” the refrain goes. “It’s such a cliche; it’s a holiday hyped by the card companies.” So you let the day slip by, and that’s when the curtain of ice drops between the two of you. And when pressed for a reason, there it is: “Would it have killed you to have made some acknowledgement on Valentine’s Day?”
I Love You App
It’s not logical. It’s not fair. But it is what it is, and so shall it be unto the end of time, forever and ever, amen. Fortunately, modern technology is here to save the day! There’s an app for everyone and here are some iPhone/iPad apps that help you say “I love you,” or to be more exact, “iLove you.” See what we did there?

Remember the day and observe it, even if you both agreed not to.
Open Table
What’s Valentine’s Day without going out to eat? But the best-intentioned restaurant plan can fall flat if a decent reservation isn’t made. OpenTable is an app that lets you make reservations at over 20,000 restaurants in not only the United States, but also Canada and Mexico. But which of those 20,000 should you choose? Which are the better ones? Funny you should ask …
The Yelp app for the iPhone and iPad helps you search for the right restaurant, bar, whatever. The app lets you search based on price, rating, distance, and more. You can see reviews of the places listed and get some idea of what you’re getting yourself into. After all, Valentine’s Day surprises should be only good ones, right?
Movies By Flixster
Okay, so far you have a restaurant, but in order to achieve the full effect of “dinner and a movie”, you need a movie. Optimized for the iPhone 5, Movies by Flixster with Rotten Tomatoes shows you what’s playing in your area, and Rotten Tomatoes’ Tomatometer gives you an aggregate score based on positive and negative reviews. Now, while it’s true that you shouldn’t always go by what critics say, it IS useful to get an idea of what the plot is about. After all, the wrong sort of movie can quickly kill the mood. And once you settle on the right movie, Flixster lets you buy tickets via
Slacker Radio
Dinner and a movie all taken care of, but there’s still the issue of setting the atmosphere for when you get back from the “going out” part of your Valentine’s date. The right music sets the perfect mood, and Slacker Radio has over 250 themed radio stations for your enjoyment. Their search engine will help you find most anything you’re looking for.
Flowers and Valentine’s Day go together like hot dogs and Fourth of July, or turkey and Thanksgiving. ProFlowers has your back, enabling you to order not only flowers, but gift baskets, candy, and other goodies. Thanks to this potentially life-saving app, you can add in things like anniversaries and birthdays, so that none of these dates ever slides by again.
This batch of apps should get you well on the way to giving that special someone a Valentine’s Day they won’t soon forget. But if your better half happens to have very expensive taste, these three apps may better fit the bill!
How To Say I Love You With An App,
Feb 12. 2014
Nice list of apps
i think this gonna a good idea to tell your truth love how much you love him/her on valentine day.
thanks for your sharing.