The Importance of Networking: Meet Your Future Employer the Natural Way

People have landed jobs in several ways: cold calls, letters or emails, social media queries, responding to job ads in the newspaper or through headhunting. Then there are those who simply met their new employer in person. Despite all the different methods of modern communication, face-to-face chats should not be underestimated.

That’s why if you’re job hunting, you should seek to get out and network. Even people who aren’t actively looking for jobs often catch the eye of people they’ve met who know their background and skills. An employer or recruiter looking to onboard new marketing talent, hire developers or even find the best plumber could be at the next social event you attend.

People are more likely to hire you if they have built a natural relationship with you or you come highly recommended by someone they trust. Here are some tips if the whole idea seems daunting.The Importance of Networking: Meet Your Future Employer the Natural Way

Make a list of the people in your network

Think family members, friends, co-workers and even casual acquaintances who may have the connections you need. Expand to include former college professors, parents you meet when taking your child to school, your parents’ friends and even your landlord or doctor. You’ll soon realize you know more people than you think. Just because they don’t work in your industry doesn’t mean they don’t have connections.

Reach out to these people

Simply knowing these people is of course not enough. They need to know you’re looking for work and the type of work you’re looking for. Give them a call, send off a message or stay a little longer to chat next time. Make sure you’re clear about your career goals and the type of employer you’re looking for. That way there’s a clear focus to your networking attempts. If you’re really not sure what you want, ask close friends and relatives to help you narrow it down because you reach further outside your circle.

Focus on those who could be your references

Former employers, teachers or supervisors know what you are capable of and may have just the right contacts you need. Tell them you’re job hunting and confirm that they would be willing to vouch for you. Let them know what you’re looking for and see if they can offer any assistance. Make sure you keep them updated on your job search.

Meet new people

If you don’t have many high-quality contacts or you attempt to tap into your network have so far failed to yield results, get out and meet some new people. Find out when conferences and workshops in your niche are held and try to attend. Professional bodies and industry associations often have business mixers, lunches with guest speakers and other events which can help you to expand the list of people you know. Don’t ask for a job from the outset but take the time to build a mutually beneficial relationship.

Unemployment can be stressful and searching for a job can be particularly tough. Tapping into your network can help you to get some leads and provide you with a listening ear as you go through the process.

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