Making Your Website Gain a Stronger Foothold

A new website makes its way to the Internet in every few seconds. Not all manage to make our heads turn, but there are a few that we like to visit more than once because we find them useful. There are fewer that find a place in our bookmarks, because those are the site we would love to visit more than any other sites and thus keep a constant tab on their content.make your website more user-friendly and dynamic to provide real value for your users

So, that is where crafting your website in a manner that you gain repeat visitors as well as the unique ones is an extremely important part of website development. You need to take care of multiple facets if you wish to impress your visitors well enough so that that they stick to your website and do not segue on to other sites in their quest to get better structured information. Here are few deliverables you need to keep in mind:

The First Page of Contact Should Be Catchy

The best of experts will tell you how important a role landing page plays in making sure your website gets eyeballs in a manner that makes your users browse through your website further. If the landing page is uninspiring, the visitors might as well close your site or type new address in the address bar soon enough, without going on to the second page. Not only you lose a visitor by this, but your bounce rate also starts to climb because of this factor. And more is the bounce rate, more you should be worried since bounce rate is an essential measure to evaluate your website’s success.

So, when you design a landing page, make sure it does not contain too much text, but a clever navigation structure to induce your visitors to further browse it. The categories should be at the top so that attention is drawn there and users click on them. Also, avoid using far too many colors. The disadvantage with using too many colors is that the visitors might not be very open to further browse a site that is bathing in fanciness. Moreover, the responsiveness of the site might take a hit with heavy designs.

Typography Should be Subtle

It is great if you have a variety on your website from the typography standpoint. That said, there also has to be some restraint over how you use it. Usage of multiple fonts isn’t likely to bring good results to your website as they create a jumbled up visual appeal, something which will only negatively impact your site.

web development tips for your web page

Make Sure the Loading Time isn’t Killing Your Website

The biggest reason your website may not be doing really well despite all the efforts you make to write good content and promoting the site on various platforms is that it might be loading tad too slowly on the browsers of users. Arguably, the slow loading times are not desirable by the users. Find out the reasons that are causing this to happen. There may be an issue with the hosting service provider, or probably your design elements. Fix all these issues to ensure your visitors aren’t put off by the slow loading time. You will notice a gradual increase in traffic once your website begins to load with greater speed.

Giving your website space to breath is essential, and only then can you see it grow.

Peter Milar is a highly reputed writer who works as a team with the Java Software Development experts of Xicom Technologies to create informative and full of insight posts around the Java technology. Hire Java Developers from Xicom to receive premium quality Java application development.

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