Anytime Apple comes to the playground, everyone wants to play. The iPad Mini is no exception in the world of gaming. Although it’s not set up with retina display, the 7.9-inch screen and 1,024 X 768-pixel display in a compact size will draw people in. It’s convenient, easy to hold and Apple. Those are a winning combination.

Popularity of iOS Gaming
Chartboost data suggest that iPad gaming accounts for as much as 27 percent of iOS gaming, with iPhone at 56 percent and the iPod Touch a follow-up 17 percent. Apple announced that the Gaming Center now has 160 million users. I think Apple can declare victory in the gaming market. It’s a trend that sees no stopping or reduction as new technology becomes available.
Apple has proven, time and again, that iOS gaming is here to stay. The ability to bring gamers around to purchasing an iPad, when they may not have otherwise considered it, is smart business. Make it comfortable and convenient and it will sell. The final numbers at the end of the year will be something to look at.
Since the iPad mini operates similar to the full iPad 2, it’s the first honest 7-inch screen tablet that allows full effect 3D gaming. If that doesn’t attract gamers, nothing will. It’s a first attempt to have gaming take the lead over reading ebooks and video, or movie watching. This has iOS game developers excited.
The Ever-Changing Market
The ability to put such up-to-date iOS technology in a hand-held device will most likely double the iPad gaming market, industry analysts predict. The large screen size of the traditional iPad has always been an attractive feature, but to put the quality into single-hand operated device will win many games over. The largest complaint ever registered about standard iPads was how “awkward” the use of the product was.
Game developers love the fact that there really isn’t a lot of extra work that goes into having an app compatible to the standard iPad, the Mini or the iPhone. It gives a larger market to introduce new gaming apps without most of the hassles and headaches associated with differing devices. You should see a lot of new apps introduced due to this technology breakthrough.
A Truly Mobile Game Device
Having the technology to conveniently play games on the go is perfected with the Mini iPad. To truly engage in action adventure games requires movement. That ability is limited on the regular sized iPad. You are fairly restricted to table or desktop use. Now the gamer can fully engage with the action and take advantage of the gyroscope technology that 3D gaming offers.
Apple is attempting to tap into the iPad market for kids. The much smaller price tag is appealing to parents. Offering a way to enjoy educational games while traveling could have Apple digging into some deep pockets. The apps developed for kids have steadily been on the increase. The easy control features on children’s games make it a device that might be under many Christmas trees this year.
The less bulky and lighter feel of the iPad Mini will make it an attractive device that crosses all generational lines. The ability to pack it easy for travel, business commuting and school could open up a bigger market than Apple ever dreamed. It wouldn’t be surprising to see schools going to Mini iPads rather than the bulky laptops they put kids on now. The price tag would certainly be easier for most school districts to handle. The fact is Apple came up with a winner.
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What is the iPad Mini's Impact on Gaming? ,
Dwayne Smith
Jan 19. 2013
iOS and the iPad mini have big impact on mobile gaming