iPhone Apps To Keep Kids Busy

Today children are very much technologically advanced. Sometimes they can be even better at technology than their parents. On the one hand, it is a bit scaring, but on the other hand it can become a very effective way of keeping them busy. And this way of spending time can be not only interesting, but also very useful from educational point of view.keep kids busy with these iPhone apps for kids

So, let’s have a look at some iPhone apps that can be used by parents to teach and entertain their kids.

Bo’s Dinner time

Such routine process as making dinner can become a very amusing game for kids with Bo’s Dinner time application. The application shows children all the steps (from buying the groceries to clearing the tablet after dinner) that should be done to make a good dinner in a very funny way. Besides, the application teaches the children some good manners that parents can apply in everyday life.

iPhone kids apps Bo's dinner time

Adventures of Marvin and Mel Monkey: Word Rescue

What kid doesn’t like adventures? I think a very rear one. So, the app developers decided to deliver a breathtaking game that can be interesting both for parents and children. 10 levels of various difficulty, 4 destinations (Thailand, Madagascar, Hawaii, Arctic) and multiple bonuses are waiting to be discovered.

iPhone kids apps review adventures of Marvin and Mel - Word Rescue

Card Studio

It is one of the best applications developed for children to discover and explore their creativity. It is very easy in use as it uses the simplest touch gestures for management. The application has different theme based packages with various types of papers, greetings, etc. that can be used to create unbelievable creative cards.


Do you like balloons? Do you kids like them too? I think both answers are positive and that’s why you and your kids will find the app very entertaining. The main aim of the app is to inflate the balloon blowing into the mic on the iPhone. Besides, the form of the balloon is changing with every new blow.

Cut the rope

It is a very catching game that will keep your kids busy for quite a time. 275 levels with 11 level boxes, amazing graphics, clear interface, cute heroes with interesting mission – it all makes the mobile application one of the most beloved one for your kids.

So, that’s my top 5 applications I used to keep my kids busy and to have some time to do other things. What are yours? I’m looking forward to find out your variants!

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