With the increase in financial issues among the consumers, there are too many people who are always worried about their finances and are looking for simple and smart ways to follow a budget, save money, spend less and finally manage their money. With the advancement of technology, the smartphones offer a plethora of options in the form of applications that you can install and help yourself save money and manage your personal finances. If you’re the proud owner of an iPhone, you need not worry as you’re in no way lagging behind. Check out the money saving and money managing apps that can help you stay on the right financial track.
- iReconcile: If your finances are in a state of haywire and you want to stay on top of your personal finances, this would soon become one of your most favorite apps. This particular feature comes with a wide variety of great features that include the in-built check register, online backup and sync, extensive reporting and many more. The best feature about this is that this app comes with a budget tracker tool that is not like any other application. This application will allow you to drill down to monthly, weekly, yearly or even to daily budgeting.
- MoneyBook: If you were on the lookout for a budgeting and personal finance management app that is packed with more features, the MoneyBook is perhaps the right one for you. This is a pretty user-friendly app but if you give a deeper look, you will see that there are lots of unanticipated surprises that are built into this application. There’s a new transaction called the breeze that has different flexible options for adding different notes and categorizing each category of transactions. You can export your finances and also allows you password-protect different sensitive items.
- Expenditure: Among all the budget and finance apps, this can be called the gem. It comes with different features of effortless methods for adding various transactions and allows you to go over the allotted amount of money. While adding a new transaction, you’ll be offered the option to add a quick note or a photo that will effectively push the flexibility of all the transactions beyond all the basic budgeting applications. A built-in currency converter is also another example of a budgetary application.
Mint: If you describe Mint as a feature-rich financial service, this would rather be an understatement. When it comes to budget tracking, this can beat most of the apps with ease. Mint has the capability of automatically updating your expenses and transactions without any input that is required from the end of the user. This will be done by Mint by directly connecting with your bank account through its award-winning online service. You can add your checking account, savings account and also your retirement account so as to get an in-depth overview of your saving habits and your spending habits.
Therefore, when you’re wondering about putting your iPhone to use and helping you manage your personal finances, you can install the above mentioned financial apps.
Budgetary and personal finance apps for your iPhone,