Internet security is one of the most necessary things which should have to keep your computer system safe. As the day progresses the computer users are getting acquainted with more and more virus programs which make the system unsafe.

Therefore, you need to have a very good security system which can keep you safe when you are online. Bit defender can do it very well with its wonderful security system.
How Bit defender keep your system safe
Bit defender can keep you safe online with its five kinds of scan system. First of all is quick scan by the help of which you can scan the important system files very quickly within a minute. You can also check the physical memory of your system by the help of this quick scan mode. The system scan option will scan all the system files the malware and virus. This option is extremely powerful and if you think that your system is attacked by virus, this is the best scan mode which you should use.
Custom Scan gives you a completely different facility. With custom scan you can scan the particular file you want to check. In vulnerability scan mode, the Bit defender will check the missing windows updates, application updates. It will also check whether the passwords which you have used in your machine are strong or not. If any kind of update is available, Bit defender will make you sure about it. In Rescue mode, your machine will be restarted and the system will be booted to the Rescue mode. If your system is heavily infected, this scan system will repair the malware files and will reassure the safety of your system.
Some of the best features
Bit defender Autopilot is one of the great features of Bit defender. It makes all the decisions related to security of your system and that is why you enjoy your computer without any slowdowns, and interruptions. It is quite fabulous for the gamers. With the help of this feature Bit defender can take optimal decisions regarding security and you don’t have to see any kind of alerts or pop ups while working online.
Bit defender safepay is another very good feature by the help of which you can keep the account information safe while working online. Online banking pages will be opened to a separate browser because of this bit defender feature and as a result of this; the hackers will not be able to steal any of the information from your account. Therefore, you can do online banking without any tension.
With the features of Bit defender you can also remain safe when you are logged in any social networking sites like Twitter or Facebook. You can thus keep both you and your friend’s computer safe from the e-threats which can destroy the trust which you make with various friends in these social networking websites. The feature of anti spam is also quite handy for you because it keeps your e-mail id free from the spam e-mails. You can also allow or block various e-mail ids and websites which one can open in your PC.
There is a feature name USB Immunizer which will keep your system safe from any infected USB Flash drive. Flash drives are immunized from any kind of viruses by this feature. As a result of this that USB flash drive will not create any problem in your computer next time.
Firewall Protection
It provides you two way firewall protection. You can stay protected from all the unknown connections online. It also displays you the bandwidth, stealth and some of the other related settings for the internet connection. You can maintain your own identity online by the help of the firewall protection of Bit defender. The internet connection of your machine will always be monitored by Bit defender and all kinds of unauthorized access in your computer will be prevented. The firewall protection of Bit defender works in Wi-Fi, Dialups and Ethernet networks.
File Shredder
With the help of File Shredder you can actually delete all the sensitive files in the system. However, one thing you must keep in mind that, the files which File Shredder once delete cannot be got back by any of the file recovery utility of your system. You will find no trace of the file in your system once File Shredder deletes it. Bit defender also does not allow some of the websites in which the phishing attempts of getting your credit card details or scams are done.
Bit defender is extremely easy to use. With all the added features, this antivirus software is no doubt one of the best options now to choose to keep your system safe from the threats of any malware or virus. It is one of the best internet security system to use in Windows 7 and 8.
Kate is a writer/blogger. She loves writing, travelling and reading books. She contributes to David Fett
Keep your on-line activities safe with Bit defender,
Dalys Guerra
Apr 18. 2013
Thank you for the tip on File Shredder.