Every child in the world knows of Lego, the small building toys that anyone with an imagination can make come to life. Over the years Lego has made the successful transfer from the real world to the virtual in the way modern video games. Lego has seen their toys and ideas in video games since the 1990’s, however it wasn’t until 2005 with the release of Lego Star Wars that the Lego video games took off.

Lego has partnered with DC Comics to produce a line of games for both home console and mobile devices. One of the games to come from that partnership is Lego Batman DC Superheroes. Players get to play as a Lego sized Batman and join forces with his superhero friends to take down their arch nemesis.
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Lego Batman DC Superheroes has eighty heroes that can be controlled by the player. These heroes include fan favorites like Robin the boy wonder, Superman and the Green Lantern, each with their own play style and gadgets. For mobile devices the game offers two different control types. There is the traditional style with virtual stick and button and there is the touch and swipe controls. The latter is much more user friendly, however playing on a smaller screen device like a phone can be a bit dodgy as opposed to playing on something the size of the Apple iPad. Regardless of the device, the more traditional controls are a bit lacking and sometimes do not register in a critical moment, like jumping from one platform to another in a hurry.
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The graphics of Lego Batman DC Superheroes are of the same type of cartoon animation that one would find on other Lego games. It is truly stunning what the developer has been able to achieve with this game. The game looks so good that it could stand up to its bigger brothers on the home console with pride. The sound of the game is also a testament to what can be done on modern smart devices. Players can slap on their headsets and enjoy a truly immersive experience.
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Not all is great in the world of Lego superheroes though. The game, while fun to play, does not have near enough save points for a game with levels the size that it has. Players can find themselves near the end of a level that could take anywhere from ten to fifteen minutes only to die, usually from the shoddy controls, and find themselves back at the beginning of the level. While this type of game play would be fine on a home console, it can be a deal breaker on a mobile device. There are also reports of users having severe trouble with the in game store. The in game store allows players to spend real money on unlockables, however some people are saying that the game is deleting their purchases after the game is closed. When they return to the store, it displays that there were no purchases. Anyone buying this game may just want to grind it out and not use the costly developer created shortcuts.
Lego Batman DC Superheroes has its faults, but that does not take away enough from the title to make players stay away. On the contrary, the game is filled with humor and gaming fun. Lego Batman DC Superheroes is available on the iTunes store for $4.99 and free on the Google play store for your Android device.
We’ve been regularly writing on www.batmangamesonly.com blog about Lego Batman and Lego superheroes, including latest games and news.
LEGO Batman DC Superheroes Mobile Review,
Oct 01. 2013
I used to play LEGO as a kid and love playing it on my android nowadays
Jan 27. 2020
I love this Lego Batman, awesome fun games!
This post worth everyone’s attention. Where can I find out more Lego games?