“We had joy, we had fun – We had seasons in the sun”…. The lyrics from the album ‘Seasons In The Sun’ by Westlife bring back the memories of good old childhood days. It will be few who would never wish, if they could play the same games with the same fun and fervor. Alas the bustling of city life, weariness of professional life and everyday chores make us robots that are programmed to live according to a stipulated schedule. But the memories of fun filled days linger in our hearts forever. At times those memories bring tears of joy and sorrow of long lost life, in our eyes.
Reliving those memories is as easy as pie. With just a feather touch, you can play the same games over and over anywhere at any time using your Android. Yes! For the multimedia fans, the hottest news from Apple is about their new app ‘Little Champ Games’. Earlier, these games were available on certain cyber game sites alone. Who wants to miss out the fun in cycle races? Is the cut throat traffic in your city, a hindrance? Then, racing app on Android is just for you.
For those interested in a challenging game with the fun factor involved, Champ Archer app is at their service. Champ arch as the app is popularly known, is currently a free download from the app store. Champ arch is an archery game, happening in a fantasy world with the theme of protecting your castle and your people. It is a fairytale that can be played well on fingertips with you as the Prince Charming. Though the game is not much complicated, it can keep you entertained for a few hours.
Are you a math freak? Do you have a delayed flight and do you not have anything else to do to pass your time? Why not then go for the algebra champ game on your Apple gadget? Designed for 6th-8th graders, algebra champ can also be enjoyed by adults who are interested in the subject. There is no harm in racking your grey cells which were inert for a long time. “x” might have intimidated you during school days. Today, it is your turn to settle your scores with the villain ‘x”. Beginners may need to jot down a few steps on paper. But as you move on to higher levels, you will find it comfortable. Nonetheless, the game is as interesting as your challenging business strategies.
Little champs games for Android are just out in the market and no sooner were they introduced, the apps had lots of takers regardless of their age. The interesting fact is that the games are enjoyable to all age groups. Apple is in the process of introducing many more such apps. Another powerful champ app by iPhone is karate champ. As the saying goes, it is better to be late than never. These games can make you look younger, smarter and wiser, without the help of any beauty therapists.
Andrea Walters, a freelance writer for www.globalx.net – The Nation’s Lowest All-Digital Price Provider.
Little Champ Games on Android,
Dec 10. 2012
ohh how nostalgic and great for kids and older kids like me
Andy Hunt
Jan 08. 2013
Nice apps for kids. Thanks for the review