Little Robots for Carrying Drugs to Human Cells

It is possible soon that the deployment of small robots will deliver the drugs to cancerous cells of the human body, and tiny technological particles will flow against the way of the movement of blood.

The researcher Metin Sitti and his co-workers at Max Planck base of the research centre in Germany have invented many robotic devices called as micro rollers that are operated to deliver drugs to chosen cells of cancer in humans especially breast cancer cells.

They have taken the encouragement for manufacturing robotics micro rollers from the leukocytes of human blood which can move alongside the blood vessels against the course of blood drive.Little Robots for Carrying Drugs to Human Cells

The structure of micro rollers

The micro rollers have spheroidal shape, and they are developed from microparticles taken form glass material.  The half body of robots are covered with slight magnetic nanofilm that is extracted from two elements one is gold and other is nickel. But remaining parts of robots are usually covered with cancer-treating drug doxorubicin and the particles that can identify the cancerous cells in the body. Setti has made it sure that if you want robots to change their direction or robots are stuck in the vascular system, you can control them by altering their course. The diameter of robots utilized by the Setti team was about 3 to 7.8 micrometres in contrast to human red blood cell diameter that is often up to 8 micrometer. Researchers are working to replace the UV source of trigger with IR or heat sources for drug release from robots soon. Their primary focus is to design these micro-robots form biodegradable substances that would deteriorate in the body after spending a few months.

Fist trails for tiny robots

The first trials were conducted on the mouse after which the technology was applied for human endothelial cells, the particular cells that are present alongside the human blood vessels. Initially, robots were delivered to both healthy, and cancer cells and they became stimulated with emission of UV light. They recognized the cancer cells and microparticles attached to cancer cells. Hence due to exposure of UV radiations, mini-robots released the doxorubicin.  The magnetic field was utilized to affirm the flow of micro rollers against the direction of blood flow. The maximum speed of micro rollers is said to be 600 micrometres/second.

Animals might be tested on a big scale for useful trails of micro rollers. Setti has emphasized the need of these kinds of rollers to magnify our large scale cancer treatment. Moreover, it is compulsory to deliver the exact drugs to particular cancer cells without any damage by using these micro-robots as we would not need large quantities of drugs.

A similar example can be found in algae present at the top surface of ponds, it can swim trough water swiftly, and micromachine can also rapidly perform their tasks of delivering necessary stuff to desired targets in specific time.

Issues and their solutions by nanotechnology

The main problem scientist face while treating cancer is the difference between healthy and cancerous cells which is often overlooked by cancer drugs. Eventually, it may cause severe damages to healthy cells or tissues.  The researchers are agreed on the significance of mini-robots which can recognize the target cells, and they do not cause blood clotting and any harm to healthy tissues of the body. It will open new scientific ways to treat cancer with fearing the side effects. Guangjun Nie, the NCNT researcher who have created many nanomachines, has ensured the credibility of these mini robots as these can find their target source, traverse a path and perform essential tasks as other robotic machines are doing their jobs. Furthermore, scientists are collaborating with biotechnological companies to promote the usage of nanoparticles for cancer treatment at wider stage and Nie has compared these with DNA based nanorobots.

These are regarded as the future of nanomedical field because they are more convenient to command and can perform our given tasks according to our requirements. Soon researchers will get more expertise in controlling these nanomachines for disease recognition, locating dead tissue, treating cancer and curing blood clotting in walls of blood vessels essay writing service reported.

The most comprehensive and advanced inventions of nanomedical robots are nanomotors and micromotors. They are spherical and are formed from gold, nickel, magnesium and carbon mostly. They steer in the human body through fluids like water or acidic acid in the stomach and are triggered by Ultra Violet radiations and magnetic fields.

Nanorobots and their effectiveness

The scientists have proved that these nanorobots can be used to locate damaged tissues in the body and can steer genuinely into target cells to convey the medication more proficiently. Researchers have tested their efficacy by combining them with biosensors. They are shown to navigate the chemical signals from tissue or cells more adeptly when adjoined by enzymes or antibodies. Their movement throughout the body can be made more sensitive, and these enzymes can prompt their reaction.  The harmful toxins in the human body can be absorbed by sponges attached to tiny robots strolling in blood and human body fluid.

The access to different parts of the human body is difficult, and it is complicated to deliver exact medicine to desired affected body part without causing any injury to neighbouring tissues. So researchers have increased their work on these tiny robots to control robots for transforming medication inside the entire human body.

Besides, enhancing the efficiency and decreasing the drawbacks of high potency drugs, these tiny robots wandering in the bloodstream can be used as agents for warning about dangerous conditions inside the body. The little surgical tools have facilitated surgeons to cure humans without cutting them.

It seems not possible in real life to incorporate machines inside the human body as chips, motors, batteries are impossible to steer in the human body. However, these tiny robots can overcome this uncertainty soon by benefiting human beings commercially worldwide. These disease-fighting and disease curing agents will change the medical field, and we will become more expert in treating the cancer.

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