Living Life with Technology

Technology is everywhere. It’s in the streets, it’s at our workplace and it’s even at home. In some instances, we find ourselves becoming overly dependent on the gadgets and gizmos that we have around us. As a result, we can’t function properly when they are taken out of our presence. We must know how to manage our lives with the gadgets that are around us. We should control them and not allow these things to control our lives instead.

Advancement of a modern technology world connected through the Internet sharing global knowledge

Take a Break

Our society thrives in a fast-moving world. There are certain demands that require us to expedite the completion of certain tasks. There are instances when the end results that are being demanded are just a few hours away. We must know how to slow things down a bit. When we stop and think for a while, we can regain that much needed focus that we want. Doing things too fast can even stress you out and as a result, your health suffers and your life may be put at risk.

Less Stimulating Devices

There are moments when we are in extreme concentration with what we are doing when all of a sudden we get distracted by a strange beeping sound that comes out of our smartphones. When you sleep at night, you get those light flashes from your hand-held device that may spike some hormones in your body that upsets your nervous system. You can actually make your devices less stimulating by removing some apps that you don’t use anymore on your phones, desktops and laptops. You can also dim the light on your hand-held device. Life will be a lot better if you use your phone service the way that they are actually intended to be used and by removing your social networking apps on your phone.

Contact at Time of Availability Only

You have to consider that life goes on with our without you. You don’t need to be available for anyone for a span of 24 hours, 7 days a week. You can cut your availability time to a number that’s respectable and still remain accessible to the people who really need you. Give your smartphone a rest. Turn it off when you are not using it. Daydream for a change. It improves your mental creativity. Sleep without your smartphone. Announce your curfew time to your friends so that they will know that you value your personal time. Check your email only at a specific time of day and not every moment within a day.

Be Fully Engaged

A flow, according to psychologist Tony Higgins, is a presence of the mind that elevates mood and allows us to bring out the value from what we are trying to accomplish. It’s like saying if you can’t get out of it, by all means, finish it. Don’t start a project and then leave it half done. When you start one, make sure you do everything that you can to get it finished. When you resist finishing a task, it only makes things worse, Type your manuscripts one at a time, one letter at a time, one word at a time. Next thing you know, you’re already done for the day.

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