Microdata is one of the three languages that are designed to provide search engine spider programs with information about the content of any website. Micro data can give the spider more information about the webpage. Humans have knowledge about names, places and substances, while the same is unknown to computers, microdatas are nothing but such attributes that serve to put up name of a place, object or man. Search engines are used to understand this better. Microdatas are booming because more web browsers are supporting the same. Thus microdatas are in huge progress.

Microdatas can put up more information so they can search, and sort a webpage in a better manner:
The search engine algorithms happen to match up the microdatas thereby proving helpful while we go on for search about something on the same. This results in excellency of micro data.
There are certain attributes given to a web page suppose while designing one, we are making up columns for name, place etc, here name is an arbitrary word for the device while the place has a real existence, such attributes are better known as schemas. When a schema is selected and filled up, one has to press the save button this would store the information into the system. Then a code will be transferred.
What is the need of the code?
The code would help in matching the elements that we entered to match up with those available on the webpage itself. WordPress would re-format these elements.
How to remove properties?
There are a few classes defined. These can only contain their public properties and constructor. The inputs on the tiny window are created depending on these dynamic classes. At the same time one can go ahead and create a class on the file. Then inside the constructor of the event on can set the property as a type of recent added class. The window would create the input of the selected schema.
Search engines work as encyclopedias on the web. Their duty is to gather all the information and present it to the user following an organized pattern. Microdata might be a game changer for people who happen to adapt it quickly. However it is complicated indeed for the average people in the long run.
Microdata is a free plug-in. This plug-in helps in adding a button on the tiny editor that helps to generate microdata code within word press posts and pages. This can be downloaded.
In short micro data enables to create custom elements and give those attributes and meanings.
Thus microdata is the way of formatting content of the website so that is more easily digested by the search engines. It works in the same way as applying a style of text but there’s is actually no visual change. Unlike metadata, microdata target a specific selection or a single word. The rendered code would exactly be the same in all cases, which have specified microdata what the content is and which part of the content belong to which attribute associated with any person.
Aabia is a writer/blogger. She loves writing, traveling and reading books. These days she is busy to writing on Online Reputation Repair. She loves writing about web designing, web development and Reputation Management Company.
Mar 19. 2014
Hey friend thanx for the information about the Micro data. But i really didnt got how to start building micro data in WordPresss. Please suggest some method as soon as possible
Mar 20. 2014
Hey Sahil, microdata in wordpress is not yet available to maintain out of the box as it is a feature of HTML5 which needs to be implemented on HTML output level. There are several plugins for wordpress available like this one here: http://wordpress.org/plugins/microdata-manager/
Hope that helps you getting started with microdata formatting
Jun 03. 2014
Really good an article i was know about microdata but little bit…