Last September, Microsoft announced Bing applications please state some of Windows Phone on competing platforms, iOS and Android. Under the umbrella brand MSN, they are now available for download.

There are three months, Microsoft announced the porting work on iOS and Android in several applications developed originally on Windows Phone and Windows 8. This was Bing News, Weather Bing, Bing Travel, Bing Finance, Bing Sports, Bing and Bing Health & Fitness Food & Drink. The aim was to use the trademark “aging” MSN (Messenger that reminds us more than the eponymous portal) to oversee the whole. A curious strategy, but not uninteresting.
Seven new applications declined Bing Apps
After successfully completing several important updates, and that of One Drive Office, Microsoft finally unveils its seven applications, now available for free on Android, iOS and OS Fire in 56 countries.
For each application, Microsoft has partnered with content providers that will provide the articles. In the US, Americans can read the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times or the Huffington Post. No need to go into the details of each application, because the services are classic.
MSN Health & Fitness Compatible Healthkit
Three details, however, interested us. First, MSN Health & Fitness will be compatible with Apple Healthkit and thus be nurtured by Apple Health and compatible accessories. In contrast, Microsoft’s application is not compatible with Google Fit. That’s fun.
Second detail, the Weather app is available today on iPhone. It will take a few months to enjoy. No explanation for this delay. Maybe Microsoft does Apple seeks to charm a beautiful application to steal instead of Yahoo as a weather information provider.
Why not capitalize on the Bing brand?
Last detail, to his arrival on Android and iOS, Microsoft chose to give up part of its Bing brand to highlight the brand MSN, the portal benefiting a few months of a new home page. But if Microsoft wants to expand the audience for its search engine (and increase its advertising revenues), would it not make more sense to bring these applications under the banner Bing (like the Bing Apps on Windows Phone)? Yahoo and Google do not ask that kind of question. Surprising that Microsoft is still laying. Unless the strategy on MSN is more ambitious than it looks …
Albert Palacci is writing for several online magazines and websites, he is also a passionate technical geek, more about him you can find on his personal profiles or on his blog.
Microsoft Unveils iOS apps and Android Based Bing,