4 Steps to Ensure Minimum Computer Protection

The computer world is getting more and more dangerous. What used to be a relatively safe world has turned into one where you will bump into threats with every action you do. Moreover, with the easy access to Internet that is now prevalent in all developed and developing countries, this problem becomes even more obvious, so it is important to know how to protect your computer.

computer protection

When it comes to protecting your computer, there are obviously tons of things you can do. Depending on how much you have to spend, your options will also change and there are thus tons of different ways to ensure your computer is properly protected. However, because many people often don’t want to bother about all these details, I will explain how to ensure that your computer has the minimum protection it needs.

Password protection

Funnily enough, the simplest protection to use is often completely ignored. You should always protect your computer with a login password, regardless of the operating system you are using. Although you may know for a fact that you will be the only one using your computer, setting up a password is necessary to ensure that another person cannot access it. Your computer or laptop could get lost or stolen and will be completely accessible without a password.


Many people do have the common sense to install an anti-virus on their computer given the dangers that await any computer that lacks good anti-virus software. However, they then casually forget to update it, which basically results in having no anti-virus software at all. It is imperative that you update your anti-virus as soon as possible since new threats come out on a daily basis. There are loads of great anti-virus available, and some of them like Avast and Antivir even have excellent free versions.


While most people know about anti-virus software, firewalls are often ignored. However, having a firewall software installed is now extremely important. Windows come with a firewall already installed, but you should still getter a better firewall such as ZoneAlarm if you can. Keep in mind that going online without a firewall pretty much leaves your computer wide open to any attacks.


Many anti-virus software are now starting to include an anti-spyware in their bundle. However, due to the amount of spyware running rampant on the Internet, you should also take the time to install an anti-spyware such as Spybot and Ad-Aware to counter these specific threats.

Finally, an even more important recommendation is to always stay updated. This does not only concern the security software you have installed but also includes your operating system. Keep in mind that new problems are discovered on a regular basis, and the best way to always stay protected is thus to update all your software as often as you can.

Ashvin writes on behalf of the Chateau Maurice, a leading tourist attraction in Mauritius. The Chateau is also an extremely popular Mauritius and has since earned the Maurice Jardin award.

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