Mobile Technology and Its Effects on Human life

Technology has emerged furiously in the current century and the invention, especially in the shape of mobile phones, has changed the living style of the whole humanity. The contemporary technological gadgets such as smartphones have promised to make life easier but at the same time new ways of communication with fellow humans for business, sharing opinions, socialization, and many others purposes. The use of mobile phones creatures is now in the blood of every single human being living on earth or we can say on the planet of mobile phones. The ability to store data has provided a huge uprise in the use of mobile phones such as using social media sites and instant messaging applications, sharing files, pictures, voice calling, video calling and chats. The technology uprising and its creatures have left immensely dangerous impacts on human lives, according to the recent study by scientific researchers. People from every age group are affected because of the invention of the internet and its usage on smartphones. Young teenagers are crazy for having mobile technology gadgets in their hands, without knowing the fact of harmful results.

Following Harmful effects of Mobile Technology have on Human’s life: Mobile Technology lifestyle


The smartphone technology mostly tempts users to spend most of their time calling, texting and chatting instead of doing any kind of physical healthy activities. The people from all age group including young teenagers who are addicted to the mobile technology inclined to stress and fatigue. If these symptoms go further may change into some sort of psychological disorders.

I’ll Sleeping patterns

People, who spend most of their time on technology and don’t take proper sleep, often got ill sleeping patterns. They always willing to respond to their each and every single message and call, thus it leads them to sleep interruption and disruption. It affects people’s behavior too, because of less sleep at night.

Road Accidents

The horrible part of using mobile technology, while driving is one of the most horrific things. Thousands of people died every single year in the road accidents due to distracting driving, using the mobile phone behind the wheels. People used to of texting, messaging, calls and social media application while driving.


People rely on texting which is the primary mode of communication also become the major factor of anxiety. People, who send the text to their friends and family members, want instant replay in return and if they got it bring joy to them, and if not then the joy convert into anger and anxiety.

The risk of Cancer

According to some researchers, the mobile technology emits some kind of rays while user communicates with each other and these rays muddling brain functions. People who are obsessed with the smartphones and spend all day long and night on phone may cause brain cancer. So the users should take care of themselves having all time mobile phones in their hands.


Mostly young cell phone users use plenty of instant messaging applications and do texting, chatting, group chatting and much other stuff some time met with the freaky and frustrated bullies. So the young teenagers become the victim of online bullies. The cyberbullying is one of the most dangerous things happening on the web through smartphones. “One-third of teens are the victims of “cyberbullying” according to the poll conducted by flight crime. Most of the young victims don’t know the real identity of perpetrators. So parents need to educate their young child about the limited use of the mobile technology and guide them each and every single side effect.

Effects on social life and Tendonitis in youngsters

The social life of people within few years will go at an end, if people continues to use technology in such a freaky way, they will leave meeting their friends and far distant family members. Everyone will use technology for the meeting rather than the classical habit of meeting in parks, playgrounds and on events. The mobile tech-lovers do message, texting and use social sites and apps which lead them to tendonitis(TTT) which may cause them the pain in hands, back and in the neck due to unbalance of sitting. The only cure for these effects on human’s life is that people should use tech gadgets in a positive way, its misuse will cost us heavily.


Author Bio

Elizbeth is a senior writer at spy phone app with exclusive experience in blogging. She loves to write about technology, mobile and app reviews. Follow her on twitter @elizbethsewell6

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