Myth: Guest Blogging Won’t Really Help You Build Links
Reality: It’s unclear how this rumor started, but it is completely untrue. In reality, guest blogging is one of the best ways to help you build great links to your site. With guest blogging, you get a relevant link back to your site, it is combined with real content, and on top of that, you will get traffic from the readers of the blog. Guest blogging helps more than just your link building. It is especially useful if you are using a digital marketing agency that provides a link building service, as they can do all of the leg work for you.
Myth: Links Pages are Unhelpful and a Waste of Time
Reality: Links pages can certainly be a waste of time, if they are set up improperly. However, to say that they are unhelpful is a little ridiculous. On a links page, you can be directed to a variety of other sources to help you find more information on what you are look for. This page may not be necessary for every website, but if it is well-constructed, it is not a detriment.
Myth: Reciprocal Linking is Always Bad
Reality: Though the major search engines frown on most reciprocal linking, they are not going to penalize you in all cases. For example, if you link to a website or blog that you love, and then find out that they are linking to you, as well, don’t freak out. The big thing that the search engines get upset about is when all you do is reciprocal linking. A few here and there, especially to relevant sites, are not going to hurt you.
Myth: Link Building is not Necessary any More
Reality: Though links are not as highly weighted as they once were, and content is the biggest thing you need to think about, links are still extremely important. If you don’t have a good set of inbound links to your site, the site is going to look less relevant. Having good content is necessary; having links is also necessary. The best option is having a balanced approach to your SEO strategy, which is something MediaWhiz can help with.
Myth: Never Link to a Site With Low Page Rank
Reality: This is just plain silly for a lot of reasons. First, the actual page rank of a site is something we don’t know. When looking at a site’s page rank, you are seeing a rank that is usually months outdated. So, even though it looks like it is a low rank doesn’t mean it is. In addition, lower ranked sites are going to eventually rise. The best thing to do is to link to sites you love, no matter what their page rank is.
There are a lot of myths out there about linkbuilding. It is a confusing and often changing form of SEO. However, if you can separate the silly from the fact, you can effectively make linkbuilding part of your SEO strategy; MediaWhiz is a great option if you need help getting started.
Mark Johnson
May 07. 2013
Thanks for that article tips! Helpful as usual
May 07. 2013
Great tips, myths are all around and seo frequently changes
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