German Oktoberfest – Bavaria Munich

This Volksfest is celebrated in northern parts of Europe’s alps, the Oktoberfest is typical German (Bavarian) culture leading to this annual event when summer ends and days get shorter.
Germany's annual Oktoberfest auf'm Waasen in Munich - The Bavarian Party Travel Festival

The Oktoberfest

The Germans are special and so are their festivals, guys! Once a year, the annual Oktoberfest is celebrated far in the south of Germany. Munich, the capital of the Free State of Bavaria (“Freistaat Bayern”) – everyone in the world knows their traditional clothing, hut and boots. Every year at the end of September till beginning of October, millions of people travel to Munich to celebrate the Oktoberfest “die Wiesn” outside in big tents on the festival area. The name Oktoberfest are actually two German names combined: Oktober – which highly indicates the month of celebration and Fest – which is the German word for festival.
Brezel and Beer at the Oktoberfest in Munich

Bavaria Munich, Origin of the Oktoberfest

Bavaria is part of Germany, located in the south. The colors blue and white are traditional colors included within the Bavarian national flag. Beer is flowing in half oceans! The Oktoberfest 2012 in Munich, Germany, consumes 12,000 hectoliter every year (alone on this event). Official statistics say that every German over 14 years drinks around 122 liter beer per year, Prost! This is the equivalent amount of beer as drinking 1 beer per day, but every day (calculated statistically on 0.33 liter bottle or can).
Bavarian Oktoberfest festival in Munich every year with much beer in tons

Cultural Festival

The festival is an important part of Germany’s Bavarian culture and celebrated every year since 1810 on the “Wiesn” of Bavaria, Munich. The festival area includes 42 hectare Wiesn (Theresienwiese). The festival is an international event and nearly 8 million travelers visit the largest Volksfest in the world every year.

German Festival Season

Beside the Oktoberfest, several other similar festivals are celebrated all over Germany. Second most popular Wiesn for group travelers is located in Stuttgart. The Cannstatter Wasen attracts with around 5 million visitors a similar traveler statistic. Party fun and carnival Volksfest in Germany is a guarantee for a good time with friends.
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