Pantech Burst Review

In this day and age, buying a cell phone has become more complicated than ever. The reasons for this are numerous, and here are some of the most obvious one: there are so many choices to make when it comes to phone manufacturers, there are so many options to choose from when it comes to phone models, and when you throw carriers into the mix, you really get an interesting situation.

pantech burst

Choosing Your Next Cell Phone – the Pantech Burst

Most people look at this from the following perspective: I’ll try to get the best cell phone I can while not breaking the bank, as a good cell phone is a necessity, but doesn’t have to be the newest and the best on the market. Well, the Pantech Burst fits this equation perfectly, and you will soon find out why.

Pantech Burst – A Lot of Bang for the Buck

A lot of bang for the buck – this is probably the best way to describe this cell phone. It has a Super AMOLED touchscreen display of 4 inches with the resolution of 480 x 800 pixels, which makes it great in terms of internet browsing and generally makes it very usable in everyday life. When it comes to the phone’s speed, you will hardly ever feel like you need more of it, as the Pantech Burst has a dual-core 1.2GHz processor and 16 GB of internal memory.

What Else Does Pantech Burst Offer?

Well, in a word, the Pantech Burst is one pretty cool phone, with a fantastic price tag – but there will be more on that later on. This Android-based phone is considered by many the best Pantech’s cell phone to date, when both price and its features are taken into consideration. The phone is very easy to use, it has a great and new lock system which allows you access to five apps directly from it. Also, you can customize your phone to a certain level by choosing one of seven home screens available, as well as two colors of the phone – red and titanium.

The camera has 5 megapixels, and there is also a VGA camera in front for the handy video calls. When it comes to internet browsing, the phone is incredibly fast, due to fast LTE 4G speeds, and it is a breeze to use for browsing your favorite websites.

The Best Thing about Pantech Burst

The best thing about the Pantech Burst is the fact that you can get it for only $49, although with a two-year contract, at AT&T from January 22. However, if you decide to purchase a Pantech Element Honeycomb tablet PC, this incredible cell phone will come for free. So, it is no wonder that so many people are asking about the Pantech Burst, as it will probably be very popular as soon as it hits the market. If you are thinking about getting a solid cell phone and do not want to pay a lot of money upfront, then Pantech Burst will probably be a very good choice.

Crystal J. Briscoe is from Self Test Engine. Looking for 642-437 exam help? Let’s take advantage of Self test engine self paced 642-447 training and pass your IT exams on first try.

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Pantech Burst Review, 10.0 out of 10 based on 2 ratings

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11 Responses to “Pantech Burst Review”

  1. Dan

    Feb 05. 2012

    Like you said there are so many choices these days. I think the pantech burst looks cool and is a real good value. I think I will holding off though and see what else comes out. The new LGs look good and so does the new Droid 4.

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  2. PrIyAnGsHu

    Feb 05. 2012

    Wow, that’s a great smartphone ! Super AMOLED Display of 4.0 inches, really awesome !

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  3. Puneet

    Feb 06. 2012

    display is nice but do you think Pantech can compete with samsung, sony etc.

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    • TechCrates

      Feb 06. 2012

      Nothing can be said as of now..but in future, it may 😉

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  4. Tracyann0312

    Feb 06. 2012

    I will agree to Dan, like you have said there are many choices of different phones nowadays! And many prefer to use Apple phones than other products! Thanks for sharing the review of the phone!

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  5. Becca

    Feb 06. 2012

    Great Review Indeed, Sounds like a very useful
    phone for anyone.

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  6. Amanda

    Feb 06. 2012

    Only for 49$??? Is it really possible?It’s a marvelous giveaway!

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    • TechCrates

      Feb 07. 2012

      Its available on a 2yr contract from AT&T

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  7. Diana

    Feb 08. 2012

    Only for 49$??? Amazing:)

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  8. Melissa

    Feb 09. 2012

    Such price can surprise anyone! It’s almost unbelievable!

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  9. TechCrates

    Oct 08. 2012

    It is Melissa 🙂 Thanks for commenting!

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